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Cheap NFL Jerseys China









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發表於 2017-12-13 01:23:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"We haven't really had those guys on the field as much as we would like," Belichick said.
That curve may not be as great for Wright, who earned Big East All-Academic honors in 2011 when he caught 11 passes at Rutgers.
"Caught up in the moment," Wright said Wednesday. "It was a great feeling."
That performance came at an opportune time as impatient fans were wondering why the Patriots traded six-time Pro Bowl left guard Logan Mankins to Tampa Bay for Wright. After all, Wright was just a free agent wide receiver from Rutgers who signed with the Buccaneers as an undrafted free agent before last season.
He has the potential to give the Patriots a second receiving tight end that they lacked last season after the team released Aaron Hernandez when he was arrested last summer and before he was charged with first-degree murder,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store.
"A lot of guys who are playing on the other side of the ball have been doing what they've been doing their whole lives,Authentic NFL Jerseys From China," Wright said, "so it's definitely a learning curve for me to learn that technique ... and being at the right position at the right time."
At 6-feet-4 and 220 pounds, Wright must block bigger linemen and linebackers. In just his second season as a tight end, it's a skill he's working on.
"Outside of him being called 'Gronk,' I didn't really know too many things about him," Wright said,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, "but he's a great guy."
Wright even is learning about the free-spirited Gronkowski.
"I don't really pay attention to a lot of things that have been said," Wright said. "I just know once I'm in house, once I'm in the facility, I've got a job and I try to do everything I can to do my job as best as I can."
Wright was obtained just 13 days before the season opener. Gronkowski didn't play in any preseason games while coming back from surgery. Michael Hoomanawanui was sidelined for most of training camp.
Brady hit Wright for a 17-yard touchdown that gave the Patriots a 14-0 lead in their 43-17 win over the Cincinnati Bengals last Sunday night. It was one of a season-high five catches for Wright.
"That, progressively, has helped us week by week," Belichick said.
But like the Patriots other tight ends, he had catching up to do.
FOXBOROUGH,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Mass. (AP) — Tim Wright hurried to learn a different offense when he was traded to the New England Patriots less than two weeks before the season.
"Tim's a real smart guy. He's got a lot of experience in the passing game as a former receiver and experience from last year as a tight end in Tampa's system," coach Bill Belichick said.
Rob Gronkowski has played all five games following offseason knee surgery and had season highs of six catches for 100 yards against Cincinnati, including one touchdown. For the first time this season, he was not on the injury report Wednesday.
Instead of being able to run a few yards as a wide receiver before encountering a defensive back, he has less time and room before meeting a defender.

The Bucs shifted him to tight end last season. With numerous injuries in the receiving corps, Wright caught 54 passes, five for touchdowns.
"When they're out there together we've got to be able to do multiple things. I certainly can't put them on the field and just do one thing with them or else that becomes something that the defense can focus on too much and try to take away," offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels said. "They both showed up, obviously, and made some plays for us, but they also did some things in the running game and other areas that helped our team."
The second-year tight end feels much more comfortable now,Wholesale Jerseys China.
But the time they have had to practice and play together has been valuable. Their next chance comes Sunday against the Bills in Buffalo,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale.
Comfortable enough to come up behind Tom Brady, pound on the star quarterback's shoulder and embrace him after they connected on a touchdown pass for the first time.

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