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Cheap NFL Jerseys China NARI









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發表於 2017-12-13 09:05:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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President Bharrat Jagdeo is off to Rome, today, for the World Food Summit where he says he will push for agricultural development in the Caribbean which spend ….importing food annually.Jagdeo is the CARICOM Head of Government with responsibility for agriculture.While he would be pushing for more focus on the Caribbean in Rome,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, Jagdeo said that the region itself needs to take action.He criticised regional governments for acting slothfully in pursuing agriculture development, saying while they “spout” talk about agricultural development, they at the same time fail to invest in drainage and irrigation and agriculture research and development.However, at home, he said the government was seeing success with its programme, and while the region is importing food,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, Guyana is a net exporter of food. He attributed this to a number of initiatives.Currently, Guyana is looking for investors in the Rupununi region, the Head of State said. He added that this development will take place on agricultural lands double the size the Barbados. Jagdeo pointed out that his government is currently looking at three large scale projects.Meanwhile,Cheap Jerseys, to boost food production in Amerindian communities, the President said his government is spending $75 million in 15 Amerindian communities in Region One on projects including honey-bee harvesting, passion fruit,Cheap China Jerseys, and pineapple cultivations.In addition, the government is benefiting from the services of an Indian agricultural expert in efforts to push the cultivation of nutmeg, tumeric and black pepper.Further, Jagdeo said that rice lands showing low production will be converted into aquaculture farms, and that the government will be supplying the fingerlings to the farmers.The National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) is actively engaged in providing farmers with new breeding stocks of swine, cattle, sheep and goats.Jagdeo said he would like to see NARI breed one million ducklings annually to distribute to poultry farmers.The President explained that the Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) had previously asked for the world summit on food and further that the CARICOM countries be “strongly represented there.”“We recognised that in 2007 hunger in the world increased by 75 million people…and in 2008 another 40 million joined those that were already hungry,Cheap Authentic Jerseys,” said President Jagdeo.He added that an estimated 100 million people will be added to that category this year. This, he said, added up to over 200 million people being affected by famine across the world in the last three-year period.According to the president, the aid from the international organisation Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) has declined from $7.6 billion in 1980 to $3.9 billion in 2006.Therefore “we have growing hunger and on the other hand we have a decline in help from the developed world to address this,Cheap Jerseys Online,” said President Jagdeo.Jagdeo explained that the meeting in Rome should focus on the renewal of the focus on agriculture and rural poverty, and the whole question of food insecurity should be addressed.He said that “climate change will further complicate this,” and mentioned climate change would also be a topic of discussion, along with the challenges of adaptation and mitigation for agriculture.The President said that there should also be a focus aimed at providing a network of support for small farmers around the world, which would allow them to prosper. “Because it is not just about growing food……if straight policies are not of an appropriate type, they will not succeed.”

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