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Cheap NFL Jerseys China and it is the hope that within two months









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發表於 2017-12-13 14:40:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Leonard GildarieIt had all the looks and glamour of a Las Vegas style-setting and the “oohs” and “ahhs” of some media workers said it all.Guyana’s first ever casino opened its doors last night, employing 130 locals and targeting the growing population of Brazilians and according to management will change the tourism landscape in the country.No locals will be allowed in to gamble, management of the Princess Casino stressed yesterday during a press conference and tour of the glittering facilities located in the Princess Hotel Guyana, Providence.Princess Casino’s officials at the press conference yesterday: From left is Oguz Tayanc, Yigit Oktenoglu, Muharrem Kulekci,Wholesale China Jerseys Free Shpping, and Liz Rahaman.All persons entering will have to be registered and required to produce identification. Hotel guests from overseas and anyone proving that they have foreign documentation of residence abroad will be allowed in, says Princess Group’s Director of Operations-Americas, Oguz Tayanc.The casino will boast 300 slot machines and 11 table games including Roulette, Blackjack, Poker and Texas Hold’Em which were installed by Guyanese technicians.Heavy security arrangements have been put in place with a no-weapons policy in train and metal detectors very evident in the hands of alert security guards.Speaking to reporters in the glitzy casino with the rows of lighted slot machines and games tables acting as a backdrop,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, Liz Rahaman, Marketing Manager of Princess Hotel Guyana, said that the casino’s opening has been planned to coincide with Guyana’s 40th anniversary celebrations as a Republic.Last year, the Princess Group acquired Buddy’s Hotel which had been built for Cricket World Cup, rebranding it with the Princess logos with the hope that the casino will nudge the hotel upwards to a four star rating.The casino, which costs in excess of US$2M, and which faced widespread criticisms from religious and other interest groups before Parliament approved its opening, will make it the 30th one in the Princess Group across the globe.Noting the government’s and especially the Tourism Ministry’s valuable role in making the facilities available, Tayanc is hoping that additional features of a two-screen movie theatre, six-lane bowling alley, games arcade for the kids and nightclub/lounge will be completed by June.The official pointed out that the hotel owners had gone beyond the casino and are working to provide a full package of entertainment to the people of Guyana with the new features which will be located in the upper flat of the casino.TouristsWith thousands of casinos in the region, the Princess Group will be bringing its own clients down in the country over weekends and holidays.Tayanc, acknowledging yesterday that the country does not have much to offer besides eco-tourism, disclosed that they will be targeting several neighbouring countries including Brazil, by providing packaged tours.There are plans to bring these tours weekly with tourists flying in Friday night and leaving Sunday night. Of course, these tours will include tapping into the eco-tourism of the country.Already, a “big group” from Brazil is getting ready to come to Guyana in the next two weeks, he said.There are thousands of Brazilians living and working in Guyana and the casino may be looking to tap into this market.The casino has already become part of a satellite for the prestigious World Poker Tournament (WPT).A group of Russian entertainers are in the country for the opening and they will join with local singers and bands in providing nightly entertainment.EmploymentAccording to Tayanc, yesterday’s opening saw the direct employment of 130 locals to act as dealers, waitresses and bartenders, and it is the hope that within two months, another 30 persons will be added to the staff complement.With the opening of the movie-theaters, bowling alley and nightclub, more than 200 persons would have been employed at the facilities,Wholesale China Jerseys, the officials said.The staffers will have to work shifts as the casino plans to open its doors from noon to 04:00hrs every day.According to Tayanc,Wholesale Jerseys China, if the casino recovers the US$2M it spent within five years, it would be considered a sound investment.With the hotel, a seven-year recovery time for its investments would also deem the hotel a good investment.At the press conference yesterday were Casino Director,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, Yigit Oktenoglu; General Manager,Jose Calderon Jersey, Muharrem Kulekci and several casino workers.

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