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"Revenge", a song from KILL DEVIL HILL — the band featuring Vinny Appice (HEAVEN & HELL, BLACK SABBATH, DIO) on drums, Rex Brown (PANTERA,Trevor Van Riemsdyk Jersey, DOWN) on bass, Mark Zavon (RATT, W.A.S.P., 40 CYCLE HUM) on guitar and Jason "Dewey" Bragg (PISSING RAZORS) on vocals —  can be streamed below (courtesy of AOL's Decibel). The track comes off the group's self-titled debut album, which will be released via SPV/Steamhammer on the following dates:U.S./Canada: May 22Germany: May 25Rest Of Europe: May 28"Kill Devil Hill" was originally due on March 27 but had its release date pushed back so that the band could record another track at the last minute. The group explained, "It was decided that a song that was to be a bonus track might be released as a single, so in order to include that song on the CD we needed an additional track to include as a bonus in its place.""Kill Devil Hill" was produced by Warren Riker,Teuvo Teravainen Jersey, who is best known for his work with DOWN,Valeri Nichushkin Jersey, CORROSION OF CONFORMITY, SUBLIME and CATHEDRAL. The effort will be available in a standard CD edition, as an iTunes digital download,Jason Zucker Jersey, and double gatefold LP. "Kill Devil Hill" track listing:CD:01. War Machine (3:09)02. Hangman (3:40)03. Voodoo Doll (3:53)04. Gates Of Hell (4:53)05. Rise From The Shadows (4:03)06. We're All Gonna Die (4:26)07. Strange (3:31)08. Time & Time Again (3:50)09. Old Man (3:06)10. Mysterious Ways (2:25)11. Up In Flames (6:04)12. Revenge (4:54) Double Gatefold LP:Side 1 (14:56)   01. War Machine (3:09)02. Hangman (3:40)03. We're All Gonna Die (4:26)04. Time & Time Again (3:50)Side 2 (10:21)  01. Old Man (3:06)02. Mysterious Ways (2:2503. Revenge (4:54)Side 3 (10:07)   01. Rise From The Shadows (4:03)02. Up In Flames (6:04)03. Strange (3:31)Side 4 (12:56)   01. Voodoo Doll (3:53)02. Gates Of Hell (4:53)03. Drawbridge (5:58) (bonus track) iTunes Digital Download:01. War Machine (3:09)02. Hangman (3:40)03. Voodoo Doll (3:53)04. Gates Of Hell (4:53)05. Rise From The Shadows (4:03)06. We're All Gonna Die (4:26)07. Strange (3:31)08. Time & Time Again (3:50)09. Old Man (3:06)10. Mysterious Ways (2:25)11. Up In Flames (6:04)12. Revenge (4:54)13. Gates Of Hell (acoustic version; bonus track)The song "Time & Time Again" can be streamed using the SoundCloud player below (courtesy of RevolverMag.com). According to Appice, KILL DEVIL HILL's sound is "like a cross between BLACK SABBATH, ALICE IN CHAINS and a little bit of LED ZEPPELIN thrown in. It's heavy, but with a lot of cool hooks and melodic overtones,Alex Goligoski Jersey, too."The members of KILL DEVIL HILL previously stated about their songwriting and recording approach,Jason Pominville Jersey, "We are going old school meets new; no sample drums here!!" KILL DEVIL HILL made its live debut on April 29,Jason Spezza Jersey, 2011 at the Key Club in Hollywood, California. KILL DEVIL HILL is:* Jason "Dewey" Bragg (PISSING RAZORS) - Vocals* Mark Zavon (RATT,Jonathan Drouin Team North America Jersey, W.A.S.P., 40 CYCLE HUM) - Guitar* Rex Brown (DOWN, PANTERA) - Bass* Vinny Appice (HEAVEN & HELL, BLACK SABBATH, DIO) - Drums"Revenge" audio stream:  "Voodoo Doll" audio stream:  "Time & Time Again" audio stream:

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