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Wholesale China Jerseys









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發表於 2017-12-14 02:37:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"You have a chance to win the game," Coughlin said. "Somebody make a play. Get the ball in the end zone and you win. I will remember that one. As a matter of fact, I thought when (Beckham) made that spectacular catch, I figured this is going to be great. We are going to win one of those nail biters."
It was akin to last season, when Manning threw a career-worst 27 interceptions. It was also out of character for this season. Coming into the game, Manning had thrown six picks all season in the new west coast offense.
Manning was candid about the interceptions.
Manning is having an outstanding season,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, hitting 224 of 366 passes for 2,495 yards, 18 touchdowns and 11 interceptions. He is completing more than 61 percent of his passes.
Chris Culliver got the fourth interception at the San Francisco 20, while Borland got the last one at the 49ers 2 with less than five minutes to play. The pick came on fourth down after New York got a first-and-goal at the 4.
While there were some interceptions where Manning and his receivers seemed to be out of sync, the two-time Super Bowl MVP said none of the picks resulted from a miscommunication between him and the intended targets.
EAST RUTHERFORD,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, N.J. (AP) — Sitting at home hours after tying his career-worst game with five interceptions, New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning couldn't avoid watching the video of the frustrating loss to the San Francisco 49ers.
Bad Eli returned at the worst time, and it was hard for him to turn the page Sunday night.
Safety Eric Reid made the third interception on a play Manning got rid of the ball under intense pressure. He probably should have held it.
Linebacker Chris Borland got inside Odell Beckham Jr., and made the first interception in Giants' territory to set up a field goal.
Linebacker Michael Wilhoite got the second on a play where Manning saw a cornerback jumping a route. He tried to stop the throw and ball slipped out and went Wilhoite at the 49ers 14,Cheap NFL Jerseys China.
Five interceptions in 45 passes, or one every nine throws. Five interceptions in a game that sent the Giants (3-7) to their fifth straight loss. Five interceptions in a 16-10 loss, including three on plays that started in San Francisco territory.
"Sometimes you don't always see it exactly how you thought you saw it on certain plays," Manning said Monday. "You try to learn from it. It's hard to put it behind you. It kind of wakes you up and you start thinking about it at night also when you are trying to sleep. Plays you wish you had back or opportunities you wish you had."
"I think all of them were on me, just a poor decision and trying to make the throw, or an inaccurate throw,Wholesale Jerseys USA," said Manning, who added even if a receiver blew an assignment he probably still would take the blame.
The offensive line allowed him to get hit too many times and never got the running game going despite the return of No. 1 halfback Rashad Jennings. The 49ers also did a good job of getting defenders close to Manning just as he was about to release the ball, forcing him to hurry and make mistakes.
Even with all this mistakes, the Giants had a first and goal at the 49ers 4 with five minutes to play. They threw three fade routes and Coughlin said two of them should have been caught.
"The one on the fourth down was just double tipped, those are kind of unfortunate,Brad Kaaya Jersey," Manning said. "Some are from pressure and trying to throw it before the receiver gives me an exact place I want to put the ball, and just throwing it inaccurately."
Coach Tom Coughlin said Manning threw the interceptions but there are many who can share the blame,Cheap NFL Jerseys.
"There was no tempo or rhythm with regard to run-pass, pass-run," Coughlin said.

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