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jerseys nfl wholesale but not before Jemmott shouted









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發表於 2017-12-14 13:28:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A former Kingston Community High School student was yesterday sentenced to two and a half years in prison by City Magistrate Alex Moore in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts for a robbery under arms charge.Nicise Aubrey Bobb, 25,Wholesale Jerseys, a miner, of Lot 52 Stanley Place,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, Vlissengen Road, had initially pleaded not guilty to the allegation brought against him.The charge stated that on July 14, 2015 he, while in the company of an unknown individual at Ruimveldt Public Road and armed with a gun,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, robbed Dimitri Jemmott of his Blackberry Z-10 cell phone and wallet.The wallet contained three Untied States Identification Cards, one National Identification Card, one Republic Bank ATM Card, one National Insurance Scheme Card, three Discount Cards and $32,000 in local currency.Jemmott, who is the owner of a local shop in the Ruimveldt area, testified against the convict. He told the court that on the day in question he was awaiting transportation at Chillers Beer Bar when two men approached him on bicycles. He recognized Bobb because he had known him for 20 years.He took out a gun,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, pointed it at him and relieved him of the articles. When the men were finished they made a quick escape, but not before Jemmott shouted,Wholesale China Jerseys, “I want back my wallet”. In response, Jemmott testified, the convict shouted,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, “Rest yuh-self or I will come and shoot you in your shop”.Lance Corporal Dharamhall Etwaroo also testified against Bobb. He told the court that on October 24, 2015 at 11:55hrs he came into contact with the defendant, told him of the allegation against him, cautioned and charged him. Bobb had then told the Lance Corporal, “I have known Jemmott for my entire life and I would never rob him”.Police Prosecutor, Sergeant Jillian Simmons, prosecuted Bobb, who defended himself. She told the court that the defendant had been on trial since last year for the offence and was remanded by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan. She also said that evidence brought forward from previous court hearings had tagged Bobb to the crime.

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