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Jerseys China Cheap NFL









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發表於 2017-12-15 08:20:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Dolphins overcame their latest sputtering performance,NFL Jerseys Outlet, winning 27-13 Sunday at woeful Jacksonville thanks to two interception returns for touchdowns. But Wallace left the stadium after the game without talking to the media, and he was still stewing 48 hours later.
Pardon the locker-room language, but Wallace is fed up.
He has five touchdown catches to match last year's total. But he's averaging only 13.1 yards per reception, well below his career average of 15.9.
DAVIE, Fla. (AP) — Peeling off his practice uniform, Mike Wallace frowned in frustration at the Miami Dolphins' inconsistent offense, although he used a different, unprintable adjective to describe it.
Miami's highest-paid player at $15 million, Wallace said he hasn't talked with the coaching staff about how to improve the situation/
When asked to assess his own performance this season, Wallace said, "Not good. It could be a whole lot better."
As he fielded questions about Miami's malaise, the normally loquacious Wallace kept his answers short, perhaps reluctant to say too much. But his expression and body language made his sour mood clear.
It probably didn't help that while Miami struggled Sunday,Hockey Jerseys 2018 Cheap, his former team, the Pittsburgh Steelers, netted 522 yards passing in a 51-34 victory over Indianapolis.
"It's frustrating. It has got to change," Wallace said. "We're not going to get nowhere like that."

Miami finally began to click in the third quarter after Wallace made a 50-yard reception,Jerseys NFL Cheap, his longest of the season. Since joining the Dolphins in 2013, he and Ryan Tannehill have struggled to connect on deep balls, even though the speedy Wallace frequently finds himself open.
His 32 catches for 418 yards are modest totals for a two-time 1,000-yard receiver.
"I run the plays that they call," he said.
Slow starts have been a season-long issue. At Jacksonville, the Dolphins went three-and-out on their first three series and totaled three first downs in the opening half.
"Finally got one, so it was cool,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale," he said. "That's what I do."
Wallace said he has "zero doubt" the Dolphins possess the necessary offensive talent, which only increases his frustration at the lack of productivity.
Miami ranks 25th in the NFL in passing yards and 13th in total offense. Wallace didn't say if took issue with play selection, but he didn't endorse them either.
"They're the coaches. We're the players,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys," he said.
Wallace said he can't identify the problem, but added progress needs to come quickly because the Dolphins face several high-scoring teams in the next month, starting with San Diego on Sunday.
"We didn't do nothing,NFL Jerseys Clearance," the veteran receiver said Tuesday. "We've got to do better."

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