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發表於 2017-12-15 08:26:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Association of Women Lawyers (GAWL) has taken objection to some comments by Attorney General,Cheap Jerseys From China, Mr. Mohabir Anil Nandlall. Those comments were contained in the Guyana Chronicle of September 16,Wholesale Jerseys From China, 2013,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, and captioned “Recent upsurge in crime a consequence of rejection of Firearms Bill in the National Assembly.”“It is not within the mandate of GAWL to comment publicly on issues which is not perceived to concern them but we make an exception in this case since a direct challenge was issued to the Association.“The GAWL condemns the assertion of the Honourable Attorney General that we support criminals and will contend that any lawyer worth his salt would not propagate as a general rule that silence equals consent.”In a statement issued over the weekend, the association said that it finds it very disappointing that the leader of the Bar who ought to be a conspicuously apolitical figure is making comments on an ongoing legal matter that is yet to be finally decided by the Courts.“We feel that Mr. Hughes is well capable of defending himself should he see it fit and urge the Honourable Attorney General to vent his concerns at a more appropriate forum.“If indeed,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, as the Honourable Attorney General asserts,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Mr. Hughes is a criminal then a report should be made to the Police or to the Legal Practitioners Committee.”The association insisted that if Mr. Nandlall has evidence in support of the accusations made against Mr. Hughes then he should “seek an audience with the Courts without delay.”The Attorney General should use his position to provide sound,NFL Jerseys Wholesale From China, mature leadership rather than being abusive and disrespectful to Civil Society Organizations, GAWL said.“We look forward to reading articles of similar prominence where the Honourable Attorney General comprehensively addresses issues such as violence in society especially domestic and sexual violence and trafficking in persons.“The GAWL would be happy to engage publicly in such instances in fulfillment of its mandate with respect to the support of justice and equality,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, especially for women and children.”

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