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After the success of the "Polaris" and "Elysium" albums and the warm response to the CD/DVD/Blu-ray "Live In Tampere" that featured one show of the band's last world tour with longtime drummer Jörg Michael, STRATOVARIUS is about to reinforce its position as one of the undisputed leading name of the prog-symphonic metal genre with "Nemesis",Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, an album that promises to be one of its best ever.STRATOVARIUS recently entered the studio again,Cheap Jerseys, only a few weeks after having completed the new CD,Cheap China Jerseys, to record an additional song they had been working on for a while. The acoustic ballad,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, "Old Man And The Sea", will be an extra track included in the 2,500 numbered limited-edition vinyl version of "Nemesis". With "Nemesis" two months from release,NFL Jerseys From China, STRATOVARIUS will soon shoot the first video clip from the CD and is inviting its fans to take part in the filming process. Fans are being asked to send a picture of their most precious STRATOVARIUS fan item to: [email protected] T-Shirts,Cheap Jerseys League, a signed concert poster, drawings, CDs official or… not, self-made shirts, flags or anything that they feel is rare or unique related to any phase or moment of the band's long history. The possibilities are endless! The band will select the most original and fun fan items to be featured in the clip. Deadline to send in photos is January 23. All received items will be returned in mint condition.STRATOVARIUS will try to find the time to comment and share all the memories brought back by all pictures through the band's and earMUSIC's Facebook pages. On top of the newly announced 2LP edition, "Nemesis" will be released on February 22 via earMUSIC as an 11-track CD and as a special-edition 13-track hardcover CD.For more information, go to this location."Nemesis" track listing:01. Abandon02. Unbreakable03. Stand My Ground04. Halcyon Days05. Fantasy06. Out Of The Fog07. Castles In The Air08. Dragons09. One Must Fall10. If The Story Is Over11. NemesisAn audio sample of the song "Unbreakable" can be streamed in the YouTube clip below.

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