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發表於 2017-12-15 11:00:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Keeran DannyGovernment’s Information Communication Technology (ICT) project is now expected to conclude by year-end, missing its September deadline. Currently, foreign companies are lending their expertise via examining the laying of fibre optic cable along Guyana’s rough terrain.Alexei RamotarThis is according to Alexei Ramotar,NFL Jerseys China, Project Manager of E-Governance Unit,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Free Shipping, who disclosed that the relaying of the cable project would go to tender after the foreign companies would have reviewed the task at hand and provide the Unit with relevant information, including estimates.He said that a Trinidadian firm and two Venezuelan companies that have been subcontracted by Chinese contracting firm,China Jerseys Cheap, Huawei, are providing pro bono services to look at where local contractors went wrong in laying the cable and provide viable recommendations. The companies have experience in the laying of fibre optic cable.When this aspect is completed, the project would go back to tender. Ramotar said there is nothing stopping these foreign companies from bidding for the project.He indicated that the cost for the project may significantly increase since local contractors who had bid for the project initially had underestimated the task. Apparently, the laying of a metre of cable could cost US$40 while local contractors had bid way less.The Project Manager said contractors had complained about the small amount they had bid for the project but continued with their tasks nonetheless. However,Cheap MLB Jerseys, in the end only DAX Contracting and Dynamic Engineering completed their works satisfactorily. Sections executed by Mekdeci Machinery and Construction (MMC) and G. Bovell Construction Services have to be redone.The affected areas include Mabura, Kurupukari, Annai, Linden,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and East Bank Demerara Public Road. The cables in Linden and on the East Bank Demerara were destroyed after they were installed and not as a result of poor works.Physical works for the laying of the 560-kilometre cable began in April 2011. Poor weather conditions and the absence of appropriate equipment were cited for the slothfulness of contractors. Ramotar said only DAX Engineering had the appropriate equipment to execute the work.According to him, the contractors who executed poor quality works have not been paid in full for their works and Government’s lawyers are reviewing certain aspects of the contracts. He said President Donald Ramotar is very serious about not paying contractors who execute poor works.The Project Manager said the Unit is more prepared this time around to supervise the job since personnel have been trained and have the full support of the Public Works Ministry. Government had hired a supervisory firm to monitor the project,Wholesale China Jerseys, which originally cost US$32M. However, the firm was ineffective and was fired.In September last year,Cheap Jerseys From China, Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon had said defects in the programme are mainly because of the ‘up and down’ terrain. “It’s a bit of a difficulty and the five contractors have been going back to correct defects in the works”.The Government Information Agency in April 2013 had said the project would miss its June deadline and conclude in September.But, it was confirmed yesterday by Ramotar that the project would not conclude next month because the Unit wants it to be done effectively, and would be accepting recommendations from the experts. In addition, if a foreign company were to win the tender for the project, time would have to be allotted for the mobilization of resources, he said.

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