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Jerseys NFL Wholesale dressed in dark clothing









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發表於 2017-12-15 11:12:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Furious over the loss of a lucrative claim, a businessman with ties to the mining sector, recruited a formerTrevor Abramsarmy Intelligence rank and two ex-policemen to kill Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) engineer, Trevor Abrams.This is according to top police sources,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, who say they now have a clear motive for the brazen execution-style killing that occurred last February on the East Bank Demerara public road.This information reportedly came to investigators following the recent arrest of two men with a .32 pistol during a raid at Diamond Housing Scheme. Ballistic tests linked the firearm to Abrams’s death as well as to the murder of security guard, Wilfred Stewart, who was shot dead on December 8, 2014, at the Sterling Products Limited, Providence, East Bank Demerara.One of the detained men is a former soldier and the other an ex-policeman. Another ex-policeman, who is believed to be the gang-leader, escaped during the Diamond raid.One of the suspects appears to be cooperating with investigators and has reportedly provided them with a motive as well as telling them how much the gang was paid.Trevor Abrams, of Lot 131 Samatta Point, East Bank Demerara, was employed with the GGMC for over two years. He was last stationed in the North West District.His relatives have repeatedly insisted that he had no enemies and was an individual of integrity.Eyewitnesses to the February 26 attack had said that Abrams was driving past the Demerara Distilleries Limited (DDL) compound around 10:00hrs, when a Toyota 212 stopped in the middle of the road.Two men, dressed in dark clothing, and armed with “a long gun” and a handgun emerged and opened fire on the Toyota Allion which Abrams was driving. The wounded man managed to drive away from the scene, but ended up in a canal. He was already dead when residents and police pulled him from the vehicle.One report suggested that Abrams had slowed down near the DDL compound after being flagged down by one of the gunmen, whom he mistook for a policeman.Kaieteur News was told that the only thing police recovered from Abrams’s car was a bag containing a flash drive,NFL Jerseys Discount, his national identification card and other personal documents.A day after Abrams was slain, police seized a grey Toyota AT 212 from a residence in Covent Garden, East Bank Demerara. A fake number plate was reportedly found next to the vehicle, which reportedly had a number of bullet holes.Police said that a woman who owns the vehicle claimed she had given the car to someone to take to a mechanic. The woman and her husband were detained briefly but were not charged.Investigators have also linked the suspects in Abrams’ murder to a recent heist at Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara,Cheap Jerseys, in which three men, posing as policemen,Jerseys China Cheap NFL, robbed the occupants of a truck at a bogus roadblock.Rayon Paddy, 26, of 278 South Ruimveldt Park, and Orin Arthur,Cheap NFL Jerseys, 25, of Block X Diamond, East Bank Demerara, were remanded on eight charges pertaining to that incident.Paddy was also charged separately with escaping from custody on January 27. That occurred while he was under guard at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation,cheap nfl jerseys, after he was shot in the buttock during an attempted robbery at a Popeye’s outlet.

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