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[原創音樂] China Jerseys Cheap









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發表於 2017-12-15 23:03:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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One of Jordan's tutors has been former Dolphins Pro Bowl defensive end Jason Taylor,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, whose has a similar physique with long limbs. Taylor has been working with Jordan two or three days a week this spring.
"I can help this team," he said, "in a lot of ways."
DAVIE, Fla. (AP) — A sweltering practice had just ended Monday,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys, and a puddle of perspiration formed at the feet of Miami Dolphins defensive end Dion Jordan,Jerseys Wholesale, who was losing weight even as he talked about gaining it.
"It's hard to get better health-wise when you have live bullets each Sunday," he said. "It was a mental thing, because I was hurt and I was thinking about it a lot."
A stronger Jordan should be a better fit at end, and he said the additional bulk hasn't cost him any speed or quickness. At 24, he expects to get even heavier as he grows older.
Plus, he said, the extra weight comes in handy on days on Monday,Jerseys From China, when the temperature was near 90 by the time practice ended.
"Have you seen my frame? Does it look like I'm getting too big?" said Jordan, who has long arms and legs. "I would never sacrifice my speed for weight."
"That's a bonus on my part," Jordan said. "He's a cool dude, and he's showing me how to use my length. He's dropping a lot of knowledge."
"If you can come out in this heat, game time will be cake," he said.
Coach Joe Philbin likes what he sees from a heavier Jordan.

"I definitely feel stronger," Jordan said. "I needed it. Last year I was definitely too light to be out there trying to go against some of those offensive tackles."
The No. 3 overall pick in the 2013 draft said he has added more than 15 pounds in the past year, which should make him better equipped to take on NFL blockers.
"The size can be an asset in the running game, and he still looks to be moving very well," Philbin said. "And he's starting to play faster. You notice his play speed getting better — probably there's less thinking, and more familiarity with what we're asking him to do and how to do it."
Jordan blames his slow development last year in part to the lingering effects of right shoulder surgery in February 2013. He missed much of training camp and said he was never 100 percent last year.
Jordan was on the field for less than a quarter of the Dolphins' defensive snaps in 2013, which meant only modest dividends from a player who received a $13.3 million signing bonus. He excelled as a pass rusher for Oregon, but at 6-6 and less than 250 pounds,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, the rookie had trouble finding a home in the Dolphins' 4-3 defense.
The shoulder also kept him out of the weight room,Wholesale China Jerseys Free Shpping, but now he's healthy and able to take full advantage of the Dolphins' offseason program, including a lifting regimen that has helped him to put on pounds.
Jordan's fast enough to drop into pass coverage, and he lined up in several places on the defense during Monday's practice. He also worked on special teams, as he did at Oregon and as a rookie.

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