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Wholesale Jerseys Authentic other than the Chancellor and the Chief Justice









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…as JSC comes under fire for its selection Disbarment in England as a barrister does not affect the legality of any decisions of judgments made by Court of Appeal Judge, Rabi Sukul who has since been asked to resign by Chancellor of the Judiciary, Carl Singh.Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil NandlallThis is according to Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister, Anil Nandlall,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, in an invited comment yesterday.Sukul was earlier this month disbarred from practising as a lawyer in England, after he was found guilty of intentionally misleading his client by drafting false grounds of appeal.He was suspended from practice for nine months, a move which caused the Chancellor to demand his immediate resignation.Asked about the due diligence that would have been done on Sukul prior to his appointment, Nandlall said that this was not done by the Executive Branch of Government.He explained that it is the constitutional role of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to make a recommendation to the President and as such it was that body which would have had to undertake the due diligence.In seeking to explain the scope of the executive in the appointment of Judges, Nandlall told this publication that had the President refused to appoint whoever is recommended by the JSC and ask for a review, should that body re-recommend the same person then the President is mandated to make the appointment.He said that the JSC is constitutionally independent from the Executive in the way it discharges its function and responsibility.That body is made up of the Chancellor of the Judiciary, the Chief Justice and the Head of the Public Service Union among othersAttorney-at-Law, Christopher Ram, following the revelations on Justice Sukul, had blistering words for the JSC over Sukul’s selection and subsequent appointment. He called for a Presidential Inquiry.Attorney-at-Law, Christopher RamAccording to Ram, there are several serious questions to be asked and answered about Justice Sukul’s Court of Appeal appointment.Ram, in his analysis of the saga, corroborated what was said by Nandlall, that the Constitution provides for the President to appoint judges,NFL Jerseys Authentic Cheap, other than the Chancellor and the Chief Justice, on the advice of the JSC.It provides for the JSC to comprise no less than five and not more than six persons made up of three ex officio members – the Chancellor as Chairman, the Chief Justice and the Chairman of the Public Service Commission – and not less than two or more than three persons appointed by the President.Of the appointed members, one must either hold or had held the position of a judge and is appointed after consultation with the Leader of the Opposition, while the other one or two must be non-practising attorneys-at-law chosen by the National Assembly after consultation with legal professional bodies.Ram noted that the first question is that the National Assembly, the Speaker of which has always been an attorney-at-law, seems never to have been aware of its duty to consult and make recommendations to the President.This, he said, reflects poorly not only on Raphael Trotman,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, the Speaker of the National Assembly but also on Chancellor Carl Singh, as the JSC chairman.He said that that related to the issue of the failure of the National Assembly is that there was no appointment arising from consultation with the Leader of the Opposition with the consequence that the JSC does not appear to have a single appointed member.“That means that the JSC as currently constituted comprises only the ex officio legal officers and Mr. Carvil Duncan, a PPP appointee to chair that other dysfunctional body called the Public Service Commission.”Disbarred Court of Appeal Judge, Rabi SukulRam, writing in his chrisram.net outlet,NFL Jerseys Outlet, has since questioned whether the JSC could and should have acted without its appointed members including making such an important decision as appointing a fourth judge of the Court of Appeal.He suggested that even “if we assume it could, the question arises as to the criteria,Cheap Authentic NFL Jerseys, rather than just the qualifications,Cheap NFL Jerseys, for appointment of such a judge… Another is the actual process for advertising, receiving, collating applications, shortlisting and arranging for proper interviews and independent background checks, particularly of applications from abroad and of any recommendations or testimonials submitted, etc.”He questioned also the interview itself and pointed to the importance of sanitizing the process to avoid any real or perceived conflicts of interest.“Suppose for example that one of the applicants is a friend of one of the two judicial persons carrying out the interviews. In that case, the person would clearly have to recuse himself from the process leaving only Mr. Duncan and the other judicial person, a highly undesirable state of affairs since the decision will effectively be made by one person.”Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman

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