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Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping in Den Amstel









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發表於 2017-12-15 23:16:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Marital Dispute ends in stabbingEdward Dash in the GPHC nursing his wounds. In the early hours of yesterday morning, the quiet village of Den Amstel, West Coast Demerara, was shaken by what the residents of the area described as an attempted murder. Exactly what transpired in the house at Lot 17 Young Street, Den Amstel is uncertain,NFL Jerseys China, but at present Edward Dash,NFL Jerseys China, 37, and his wife of eight years, Dawn Dash, 36, are both lying in the wards of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) nursing stab wounds about the body, which each of them saying the wounds were inflicted by the other.Edward Dash, who is a miner and works in the interior, said that the night before his wife’s phone rang and she answered it. He asked her how come her phone was always ringing.He claimed that she was to go to Barbados with some other man, who is said to be a friend of her family. Residents of the area told this newspaper that she had already purchased an airline ticket to Barbados.Edward said that he had no problem with her leaving, as they were married but not really in a relationship since they had an argument some time in August.Dawn, who is a member of the Special Constabulary, affirmed that they had an argument, and said that they had not been intimate since they had that argument. During that argument she said that he had hit her. She added that she had lodged a report at the Den Amstel Police Station.The miner maintained that he did not care if she left, but said that he had only requested that she return his seven-year-old son, Edward ‘Junior’ Dash, who was living with her (Dawn) brother in Sophia. Dawn also has two other children, aged 15 and 17, from a previous relationship. They are said to be living in Linden with members of Dawn’s family.Dawn explained that she sent their son to live with her brother in Sophia, because Edward is often in the bush working and as such could not be there to take care of the little boy. She said that her husband knew where their son was and even accompanied her when she had initially taken him there.She added that she had never prevented Edward from seeing his son.“I tell she fuh just leff de little boy and mek yuh heights. I tell she I gun tek care of he and she could leave. I ain’t got no problems,” said Edward.Edward said that when she began to stab him, he knew that she wanted to kill him. After being stabbed,Cheap Jerseys China, Edward said that he lost consciousness. He added that she had stabbed herself, so as to throw the blame away from herself and to him.He added that once he had lost consciousness, she placed the knife in his hands, after she had stabbed herself about the body.“She had fuh put it (knife) in me hands. When I de drop down I didn’t holding no knife,” Edward said. He continued to say that once she had finished inflicting wounds on herself, and placing the knife in his hands, she lay down and played dead till the police had arrived on the scene.Dawn told a different story. She claimed that she was talking on her mobile phone to a friend in Barbados. She noted that she had never been unfaithful to her husband.She left the room they were in, still talking on the phone,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, and Edward followed her and began to hit her about the head with a hammer.She said that she cried out for murder and screamed for help.She said that she fell to the ground, and her husband went into the kitchen and returned with a kitchen knife and began to stab her all about the body. She said that she played dead on the floor, adding that she is sure that if she had not played dead, she is sure that her husband would have killed her.Dawn said that despite the fact that she was playing dead on the floor, she maintains that she was conscious throughout the entire ordeal. “I jus lie down, and play like I dead. If I nah do dah, I sure he woulda kill me,” said Dawn.Dawn said she received approximately 22 stab wounds about her body, including two to her neck and numerous others to her stomach and back. She noted that she received multiple wounds to her head, inflicted by her husband with a hammer. Despite his reports, she said that she never stabbed him. The wounds to his chest, she said,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, he inflicted on himself, after he had stabbed her, and she had played dead on the floor.When the police arrived on the scene, they were forced to break into the house, which was locked up and had grilled windows.The couple’s neighbours and friends, in Den Amstel, described Dawn as ‘a lawless big woman.’ Edward’s relatives, who were present at the hospital, added that Dawn wants to be with Edward when he has money, but when he does not have money she wants nothing to do with him.The domestic problem was reported to the Den Amstel Police Station by a neighbour, at approximately 1:00 hour yesterday, but as the Den Amstel Police Station does not have a Criminal Investigation Department (CID),Wholesale Jerseys 2018, the matter was referred to police at the Leonora station who apparently responded quickly.The police have said in a press release that the couple had a domestic argument and relatives residing nearby heard her screaming and shouting for help.The police were apparently forced to break into the heavily grilled house, which was locked when they arrived. The police said that when they entered the building they found Dawn with stab wounds about her body and Edward with stab wounds to the upper part of his body and feet.Police ranks also recovered the knife used in the stabbing.The Den Amstel home where the incident took place.

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