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A Bears spokesman said the team was aware of the arrest and is gathering more information,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys.
A court clerk said Jennings is expected to make his first appearance Friday in Gwinnett County State Court and it's unclear if he has an attorney. Calls and emails to his representative haven't been returned.
Jennings, of Orangeburg, South Carolina, attended the University of Georgia and played for the Indianapolis Colts from 2006 to 2009.
"I know you guys have quotas to meet so just write me the speeding ticket. I admit I was speeding sir," police quoted Jennings as saying.
After being taken into custody, police said,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Jennings told the officer it was unnecessary for him to go to jail and that he was being targeted because he was driving a nice car, according to the report. Authorities said Jennings' ex-girlfriend subsequently came to get the car he had been driving.
According to the report, Jennings later struggled when asked to follow the officer's finger with his eyes and refused to blow into an alcohol sensor.
DULUTH,Wholesale China Jerseys, Ga. (AP) — Chicago Bears cornerback Tim Jennings told an officer he was running late for a parent-teacher conference when he was stopped for speeding on an Atlanta area freeway, according to a police report released Thursday.
The officer said he asked Jennings a series of questions and that Jennings became defensive when he was asked whether he had been drinking,Jerseys From China, according to the report. Jennings said he was fine to drive to his destination,Cheap MLS Jerseys, but wouldn't do a series of field sobriety tests, police said in the report.
Jennings, 31, was charged with DUI, speeding and reckless driving and has bonded out of jail in suburban Atlanta following his arrest Wednesday. Police have said Jennings was driving a 2015 Mercedes 99 mph in a 65 mph zone just before noon that day in moderate traffic on Interstate 85.
A police report said an officer smelled a strong odor of alcohol on Jennings' breath and noted slightly red and watery eyes,Cheap Jerseys Store. Jennings laughed when the officer told him that driving 99 mph in suburban Atlanta traffic was reckless.

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