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Cheap Jerseys Information liaison to President Bharrat Jadgeo









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發表於 2017-12-16 08:35:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Information liaison to President Bharrat Jadgeo,MLB Jerseys China Authentic, Kwame Mc Koy, has complained to Commissioner of Police,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Henry Greene,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, about what he claimed is person imitating him in a telephone conversation with Kaieteur News.Mc Koy is embroiled in a scandal involving a taped conversation which purports that he was soliciting a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old schoolboy.Kwame McCoyThe police in a press release yesterday stated that consequent upon an interview done with McCoy on Monday, at his request, police launched an investigation into the allegations of the imitation and not of the tape recorded conversation.Kwame McCoy also handed over a copy of the tape recorded conversation to the police, the police press release disclosed.Police contacted a reporter at Kaieteur News who confirmed that someone purporting to be Kwame McCoy called the newspaper. He also reported the conversation.But the police went on to state that the Kaieteur News reporter refused to give a statement in the matter.A police source told this newspaper that it is Mc Coy who is refusing to co-operate with investigators, claiming that he has to consult with his attorney.Yesterday police sources indicated that although Mc Coy had made the complaint, he has not yet given a statementThe Kaieteur News reporter in question, who is familiar with the voice of Kwame McCoy, being the journalist who is designated to cover assignments at the Office of the President, is convinced that it was McCoy who had called the newspaper.Subsequent to receiving the call, the reporter went to McCoy’s home where he contacted the Office of the President spokesman, to get his official comments on tape.He said that McCoy denied making the call and even refused to be recorded on his denial of the taped conversation with the schoolboy.Meanwhile, the police press release stated that contrary to report in the Stabroek News,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, the young man who allegedly had a conversation with someone purporting to be Kwame McCoy,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, never reported to the police.In fact, efforts by the police to contact the said young man, proved futile, the statement said.However,Wholesale NFL Jerseys USA, information surfaced that the police found out that the boy attended a school in southern Georgetown but made no effort to contact the school.Inquiries are continuing.

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