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Wholesale China Jerseys q5elepnf









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發表於 2017-12-16 10:20:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…says stakeholder consultation necessary  In a desperate move to gather information on a report that the government is seeking to give some 40 fishing licences to Chinese nationals, the Guyana Association of Trawler Owners and Seafood Processors(GATOSP) has dispatched a letter to the Agriculture Ministry requesting clarity on any possible considerations.The letter addressed to Agriculture Minister, Leslie Ramsammy has expressed panic among the marine operators who are likely to be affected by the proposed intention. Leslie Ramalho, President of the GATO&SP told Kaieteur News that the association was aware of the information but could not verify.The September 26, 2013 letter thus requested information on any new fishing arrangements since for close to two years now, local sea operators are being urged to reduce fleet numbers because of dwindling stocks and a growing need for more protection of the fishing industry.Ramalho expressed in the letter that,NFL Jerseys China, “Should this be a developing situation (the licence issuance),Soccer World Cup Jerseys, and,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, since the Fisheries Act. No. 12 of 2002 gives the authority to the Minister to issue foreign fishing licences, I take this opportunity to inform you of this issue, seek clarification and to mention some concerns of the Association.”“Particularly, in the absence of a functioning Fisheries Advisory Committee, we recognize the need for a stakeholder consultation.”Ramalho said that,  “At this consultation, it is our view that information should be provided regarding the number of vessels,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the type of fishing,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, the area to be fished and the type of gear. The track record of the company will also be of utmost importance. Further, the benefits to Guyana must be outlined.”Ramalho said the Association is pursuing efforts to be Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified and would wish to ensure that those efforts are not compromised by any new fishing arrangements.“If there is no intention to issue the licences to the Chinese, then we apologize for panicking on the basis of unconfirmed reports,” Ramalho concluded.However,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys Authentic, the President’s panic does not come without weight. Other fishing stakeholders have also taken note of the possible consequences the additional fish operators could pose to the industry.  They said that for some time, the government spoke about depleting stock which led to a suggestion of overhauling the industry to reduce the number of operating trawlers by January 1, 2011.The GATOSP proposed that a fleet reduction of 20 percent was possible. They urged that the move to issue foreign licences was a slap in the face to local operators since they were working with the government to meet their concerns about excess fishing and diminishing resources.The operators are especially concerned about the massive fish processing set up accessible to the Chinese which could make it difficult for local operators to compete. They noted that like in other parts of the world, the Chinese have dominated some fishing industries, with reports of excess fishing.It was reported in several international newspapers earlier this year that a Chinese fishing fleet in African waters reported 9% of catch to United Nations. But according to experts, using a new type of study to estimate the size and value of catches,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, “the alleged gross misrepresentation of the official Chinese catch suggests that many countries are being systematically cheated, leaving them unable to devise effective management plans to conserve stocks.”Though the reports of excess Chinese fishing in that continent can be debated, local operators say that the likelihood of Chinese in Guyanese waters mean the setting up of mother ships that can house hundreds of workers, cleaning and packaging fish for export right there on the sea, while the smaller boats make the catches. This form of mega production does not spell well for small time operators, who would not only be unable to compete, but could also be run out of business, the concerned fishermen explained.

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