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發表於 2017-12-16 10:42:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Los Angeles County election officials verified enough petition signatures to allow the stadium plan to go before voters,Cheap Jerseys Supply, marking an incremental step toward an election that has not yet been scheduled. The Inglewood City Council is expected to consider the proposed election later this month.
According to county and Inglewood election officials, 8,500 petition signatures — enough to qualify for the ballot — were determined to be "sufficient,Cheap Basketball Jerseys," in other words meeting legal requirements.
When the plan was announced last month, developers said support from local voters was essential for the stadium to move forward. They said it would also allow them to avoid potentially thorny environmental reviews that could extend for months or years. An earlier review was conducted for the proposed residential and commercial development,China Jerseys Wholesale, but without a stadium.
"Ultimately, this project will only go forward if the voters of Inglewood approve," Christopher Meany,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, a senior executive with the joint venture designing and financing the project,NFL Jerseys From China, said at the time.
A development group that includes a company controlled by St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke announced plans in January to build the stadium in Inglewood, about 10 miles from downtown Los Angeles. The proposal, which envisions a stadium rising on the site of a former horse track, raised the possibility that Los Angeles could get an NFL team again after a two-decade drought.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A proposal to build an 80,000-seat stadium in the Los Angeles suburbs that could become the home of an NFL team moved forward Thursday when election officials cleared the plan for a local vote, possibly in mid-June.
Another 2,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,990 signatures were disqualified for reasons that included the voter did not live in the city or the signature did not match voting records. Supporters submitted more than 22,000 signatures overall.
The joint venture behind the project, the Hollywood Park Land Co., said the verified signatures marked "another step toward realizing the proposal for a new world-class stadium."

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