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發表於 2017-12-16 12:53:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The continuous dumping of garbage and dead animals by both the Anna Regina Town Council and residents in neighbouring villages along the main road that leads directly into the Mainstay/Whayka community area continues to be a great embarrassment to residents living in that area.Captain of Mainstay/Whayka, Yvonne Pearson,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, told Kaieteur News that the issue concerning the dumping of garbage by the Anna Regina Town Council several years now has been of great concern to residents in that area.The growing pile of garbage along the Mainstay roadwayShe noted that this disturbing issue along with others was raised at the hinterland committee and at several other forums in the region. The matter was also raised by residents who met with the former Minister of Amerindian Affairs, and now Foreign Minister,NFL Jerseys China, Mrs. Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett, and with the directors of the Mainstay Resort on numerous occasions,Cheap NFL jerseys China, but the problem persisted.She noted also that the continuous disposal of garbage by the Anna Regina Town Council is not ‘healthy’,Jerseys From China, especially at a time when rainfall has been so prevalent.Mrs. Pearson is of the view that when the dirty stuff runs into the main canal, it poses serious treats to those unfortunate persons who still have to use the water to water their kitchen gardens, bathe or even wash their clothes.The captain said that the idea of locating a new dump site was raised at a regional forum, and the suggestion of a site aback of the Red Lock area was suggested. However, unconfirmed reports indicated that Lima village, off the main Essequibo Public Road,Jerseys NFL China, is now engaging the Council’s attention.Captain Pearson is also calling on the relevant authorities to address the deterioration of the roads at Mainstay/Whayka, Lima Sands, Mc Nab,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, and Tapacuma.Pearson said that despite numerous complaints, both at the regional and Government levels,Jerseys NFL Cheap, the situation remains unchanged.She believes that the Mainstay Resort faces being shut down and people being left without jobs if nothing is done soon to the road that inevitably will bring some relief to residents in the abovementioned communities.The Mainstay road is the second busiest road in the region.

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