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NFL Jerseys Supply he went to the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station









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發表於 2017-12-16 15:12:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police Inspector Lalbachan Dyal testified to taking photographs of a bloodied bedroom in which the body of Curtis McKinnon was found,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, after he was allegedly stabbed by his reputed wife on July 20, 2014.MURDERED: Curtis McKinnonNicola Joseph is currently on trial before Justice Jo-Ann Barlow and a 12-member mixed jury in the Georgetown High Court for the capital offence.She is being represented by Attorney Sonia Parag.The prosecution is being represented by Siand Dhurjon and Tamieka Clarke.According to reports, McKinnon,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, a father of five,NFL Jerseys Outlet, was fatally stabbed to the neck by his reputed wife during a heated argument at his Lot 12 Plantain Walk, Klien Pourderoyen, West Bank Demerara home.Reports indicate that the Guyana Water Incorporated Supervisor and the mother of two of his children were involved in an argument over the phone. It was reported that Joseph told police that the man told her she was disrespectful before ending the call. She reportedly told police that Joseph slapped her thrice and she went into the kitchen, picked up a knife and stabbed him to the neck.Yesterday,Wholesale Jerseys For Sale, Inspector Dyal told the court that he visited the scene of the murder on the day in question, in the company of other police ranks. He recalled entering a wooden building and observing it ransacked. The police witness said that he went into a bedroom and observed some reddish spots that appeared to be blood on a pillow and a mosquito net.Dyal stated that he took several photographic exposures of the articles and room with a digital camera. He added that after taking the photographs, he went to the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station, where he observed Sergeant Singh talking with the accused.According to the witness, he heard when Sergeant Singh put a murder allegation to the accused to which she replied, “Officer I didn’t mean to do that. I wish I could turn back the hands of times. I do it because he hit me.”However, Inspector Dyal said that despite making the oral statement, Joseph refused to give police a statement in the absence of her attorney. He said that while in custody, the accused appeared remorseful.The following day, the witness said he went to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Headquarters, Eve Leary, Georgetown, where he printed the photographs he took at the scene. After printing the photos, he recalled placing police photographic stamps behind each along with his signature.The police witness stated that he later returned to the Vreed-En-Hoop Police Station where he handed over the photographs to the investigating rank.During a Preliminary Inquiry (PI) into the murder in the Magistrate’s Court, the witness said that the photos were tendered and marked as evidence.Under cross examination by Attorney Parag, Inspector Dyal denied being untruthful to the court. He admitted to the court that he gave a statement eight months after the alleged crime. When questioned by the lawyer as to how he was able to recall events after that long period,Cheap Jerseys NFL China, Dyal stated that he relied on notes he made in a book, at the crime scene and hours after visiting the scene.He explained that he usually secures his notebooks in a cupboard after they are filled. While the police witness was unable to give a reason for giving the statement months after the crime,Cheap Jerseys 2018, he recounted that a police constable collected a knife from the scene. However, he was not able to give a description of the alleged murder weapon when asked by the lawyer to do so.A request by the attorney to have Dyal present the book in which he took the notes was granted by Justice Barlow.This trial continues on Monday.

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