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發表於 2017-12-16 21:00:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The East La Penitence Policing Group yesterday hosted a workshop to enlighten communities within the Police ‘A’ Division, about the various aspects of disaster preparedness.At the Georgetown Club on Camp Street, the members of the different policing groups were briefed on a variety of natural and man-caused disasters.Those attending the workshop which commenced at around 09:00hrs and continued into the afternoon hours were not only taught how to equip themselves with lifesaving supplies, but also how to assist in preventing these disasters.Information gathered, and knowledge gained from the workshop,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, would be relayed to residents of the various communities via monthly meetings as well as house to house consultations.Key presentations were delivered by Coast Guard of the Guyana Defense Force, Lt. Richmond who briefed the gathering on aspects regarding River Search and Rescue.Mr. Colin Alleyne of the Guyana Fire Service dealt with Fire Prevention, and Deputy Commander of ‘A’ Division,Cheap Jerseys, Mr. Ian Amsterdam talked about Protest/Riots, where he zeroed in on force used to disperse a crowd.“Use force only when strictly necessary, and to the extent required,” he said. Amsterdam also explained that when using force, there are certain principles to be observed: legality, necessity, and proportionality. He added that before using force, every attempt to use a non-violent method should be used.Medex, Ms. Carol Orna talked about road accidents and trauma/ death, and first aid and transportation of the injured.Addressing specifically the preparedness of natural disasters, including floods, was Colonel Chabilall Ramsarup,nfl jerseys china, who, via a PowerPoint presentation, explained that since Guyana’s residential occupancy is on the coast, which is below sea level, persons should pay keen interest and take all necessary precautions.The issue of improper garbage disposal came up, and it was explained that proper garbage disposal is key in preventing floods.However, should there be massive floods,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, the sea-walls and properly manned outfall channels would play key roles.Meanwhile, some necessary equipment for disaster preparedness were outlined as personal and protective clothing; first aid kit; detection and monitoring equipment such as personal alarm kits and gas detection instruments; fire extinguishers; blankets, powder-free gloves and bags; cellular phones and/or handheld radios; and for crowd control- flashlights,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, signs, and barricade.‘Disaster preparedness’ generally refers to measures taken to prepare for, and reduce the effects of disasters. That is to predict,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, and where possible,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, prevent disasters, mitigate their impact on vulnerable populations, and respond to and effectively cope with their consequences.The workshop dealt with Disaster Plan, which refers to a systematic procedure that clearly details what needs to be done; how, when, where, and by whom, before the disaster actually occurs; Disaster Response, which is an aggregate of decisions and procedures taken to contain or mitigate the effects of a property, restore order in its immediate aftermath, and reestablish normality through reconstruction and rehabilitation shortly thereafter; and Disaster Relief which refers to the intervention aimed at meeting the immediate needs of the victims of a disastrous event.The first and immediate response is called the emergency response.

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