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FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH recently entered Las Vegas' The Hideout Recording Studio to begin recording its fourth album for a summer release. Helming the sessions once again is The Hideout's owner,Devon Travis Blue Jays Jersey, Kevin Churko, the Canadian musician,Steven Wright Red Sox Jersey, sound engineer,Denny Mclain Orioles Jersey, songwriter and record producer, who has also previously worked with OZZY OSBOURNE and IN THIS MOMENT, among other acts.A new one-minute video clip of drummer Jeremy Spencer and vocalist Ivan Moody in the studio can be seen below.Speaking to Media Mikes, FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH guitarist Jason Hook stated about the progress of the recording sessions for the band's new CD: "We are about 65% done. We are shooting for a deadline that is at the end of April,Anthony Rizzo Cubs Jersey, early May. We are working hard every day on this thing. I am at the phase now where I am laying down solos here at my home studio. Generally,Marcus Stroman Blue Jays Jersey, the first portion of the recording process I am writing and working on rhythm stuff. It's not 'till the last quarter that I switch over to doing the other stuff."FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's third album,Russell Wilson Rangers Jersey, "American Capitalist",Manny Ramirez Indians Jersey, was certified gold last year for sales of 500,000 copies. Not only is it the band's third album, but it is the third consecutive release from the group to reach the gold mark,Blake Swihart Red Sox Jersey, with previous efforts "The Way Of The Fist" and "War Is The Answer" also selling more than half a million copies each. "American Capitalist" debuted at No. 3 on the Billboard album chart when it came out in October 2011.FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's most recent tour was last summer's Trespass America trek, also featuring KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, POP EVIL and others.  FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH is scheduled to make a number of festival appearances this summer, including on a yet-to-be-announced "big tour" (rumored to be Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival) in the U.S.

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