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發表於 2017-12-17 00:00:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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All five starters are back up front from last year.
"We set the bar pretty high as a group last year and we want to build off that level and become great," guard Rob Sims said Wednesday after practice.
The Lions, though, did not have success as a team in 2013. They slumped to a 7-9 finish after a 6-3 start last year in large part because of turnovers after the offensive line did its job.
The Lions seem set up to move the ball through the air and on the ground while scoring a lot of points. Stafford will be passing to Johnson, Golden Tate,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, a trio of tight ends and a pair of running backs. Running the ball on the ground appears to be a good option, too, with the speedy Bush and powerful Bell.
Raiola is simply happy the Lions still want him around, entering his 14th season with the team. He signed a one-year deal during the offseason, giving him another chance to chase team success that has been elusive.
"I like the continuity," Lombardi said. "I like the skill sets of those players. I like the attitude. I'm very confident in that group."
Center Dominic Raiola and Sims, with a combined 21 years of NFL experience, lead the line. Left tackle Riley Reiff,Undefeated Air Max 97 Australia, a 2012 first-round pick, has started 24 games. On the right side, Larry Warford and LaAdrian Waddle are back after being first-string players as rookies.
Matthew Stafford was sacked just 23 times last season, a low number considering he attempted 634 passes to Calvin Johnson and other targets. Reggie Bush ran for more than 1,000 yards for the second time in his career and Joique Bell had 650 yards rushing.
"I feel like I've been desperate every year," he said. "But with this group of guys,Wholesale Jerseys From China, with this coaching staff, with this organization, there's nothing more I want to do right now than win."
First-year offensive coordinator Joe Lombardi will be calling plays, a task that he said is "comforting" because of the offensive line.
Now,China Jerseys Cheap, the same group is back and determined to be even better.

"We've taken the young guys under our wing," Sims said. "They come over to my house or Dom's house once a week. I think that kind of bond off the field can help you on the field during games."
NOTES: Lions WR Calvin Johnson is expected to make his preseason debut Friday night at home against Jacksonville. ... Detroit DT Nick Fairley has been demoted to second string, behind C.J. Mosley, on the depth chart.
Detroit is 60-148 in the regular season, 0-1 in the playoffs,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, since drafting Raiola in 2001.
ALLEN PARK,Cheap Jerseys League, Mich. (AP) — The Detroit Lions should have time to throw and room to run with their collection of talented playmakers, thanks to what looks like a solid offensive line.

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