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發表於 2017-12-17 00:06:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Vick started the three games that Roethlisberger has sat out but was forced out of last week's game with a strained his left hamstring,cheap nfl jerseys elite. He did not participate in practice Wednesday.
Roethlisberger, like Jones, made his NFL debut in a relief role, in the second game of his rookie season in 2004. He replaced Tommy Maddox in a 30-13 loss to Ravens at Baltimore and completed 12 of 20 passes for 176 yards and two touchdowns with two interceptions.
Steelers coach Mike Tomlin said the Steelers are preparing this week with the idea that Jones will be the starter because he is the only healthy quarterback on the roster. However, a starter has not been officially chosen.
NOTES: OT Mike Adams (back) became eligible to be activated from the physically unable to perform list this week, but said there is no timetable for his return . S Will Allen (ankle), CB Antwon Blake (thumb) and DE Stephon Tuitt (knee) did not practice, while CB William Gay,NFL Jerseys Outlet, LB James Harrison and TE Matt Spaeth sat out for non-injury related reasons. . CB Cortez Allen (knee) was a limited participant.
Jones made his NFL debut when he replaced Vick,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, who strained his right hamstring, in the third quarter with the Steelers trailing 10-6. He rallied to them to victory by completing 8 of 12 passes for 168 yards and two touchdowns, both to Martavis Bryant.
"I think I can deal with pain,cheap jerseys paypal," Roethlisberger said. "Adrenaline helps with that a lot."
The Steelers want to make sure Roethlisberger's knee is stable before he returns to game action. He also plans to wear a knee brace for the first time in his 12-year career when he returns,Cheap Jerseys From China.
"I went into the Baltimore game and my head was spinning," Roethlisberger said. "I know Landry's a guy, above the shoulders especially, who is very talented. Very smart football player who knows his stuff.
"It's been a wild ride since Sunday, that's for sure," Jones said Wednesday.
Jones spent two-plus seasons wearing sweatpants or holding a clipboard on game days as the Pittsburgh Steelers' third-string quarterback. Now Jones will likely find himself as a starter for the first time in his three-year career Sunday at Kansas City after a stunning performance in relief of Michael Vick last week in a 25-13 win over the Arizona Cardinals.
"You never what's going to happen on Sunday. Ben and Mike are real competitive guys, so I'm sure they are going to do everything they can to get ready to play," Jones said. "I'll be excited whether I play or not, but it'd be awesome to get a whole week of practice in and go into the game really prepared."
PITTSBURGH (AP) — Landry Jones is having a hard time digesting it all,Cheap Jerseys.
"It's just different, because you actually feel like you contributed something," Jones said. "I've been here for three years now and haven't gotten to play. I feel like I have contributed, but not in a way I felt like I could. It's fun to know you actually had a part in the game."
Starting quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was a limited participant in practice for the second Wednesday in a row. He sprained the medical collateral ligament in his left knee Sept. 27 in a win over the Rams at St. Louis.
"He's a guy who even I would have confidence in, being in the league 12 years, going up to him and asking him 'What did you see there?' or 'What did you think?' That's the confidence that I think he showed on the field Sunday. He knows what he's doing."

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