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發表於 2016-12-21 03:04:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A trailer for "Stand Up", the new video from "American Idol" finalist James Durbin, can be seen below. The full clip will make its online debut on VEVO,Kris Bryant Cubs Jersey, the world's leading all-premium music video and entertainment platform, and ESPN on January 24."Stand Up" comes off Durbin's debut solo album,Brandon Moss Cardinals Jersey, "Memories Of A Beautiful Disaster", which sold around 28,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 36 on The Billboard 200 chart."Memories Of A Beautiful Disaster" was released on November 21 via Wind-Up Records. The CD includes a guest appearance by Mick Mars of MÖTLEY CRÜE,Jayson Werth Nationals Jersey, as well contributions from songwriters James Michael (SIXX: A.M.,Carlos Zambrano Cubs Jersey, MÖTLEY CRÜE) and Marti Frederiksen (AEROSMITH,Wilmer Flores Mets Jersey, BUCKCHERRY, OZZY OSBOURNE), along with Swedish rock band HARDCORE SUPERSTAR. When asked by Artisan News how the Mars collaboration came out, Durbin said, "Mick Mars actually reached out to us. I had met him at the MÖTLEY CRÜE show at the Hollywood Bowl when MÖTLEY played and NEW YORK DOLLS and POISON opened and I got to go back and meet Mick Mars. And when we were making the record, Mick Mars reached out and wanted to play on the record. [I was like] 'Wow. You want to play on the record? We don't need to ask you? You actually want to? Whoa! No freakin' way!'"Durbin, who co-wrote five of the albums tracks, previously said that it was "surreal" to be working with this bevy of rock royalty and recalled, "When Mick Mars started shredding on his guitar I literally lost my mind." The long-time MÖTLEY CRÜE fan continued, saying, "He's a true rock legend and he's playing on my record. It doesn't get any cooler than that." Mick Mars concurred,Roberto Alomar Blue Jays Jersey, "It was sick to have played on James' debut album. To be the only featured guest artist on the record was really cool as I know a lot of others wanted to be on it. James Durbin kicks ass; he's the real deal."23-year-old Durbin was guided throughout the making of "Memories Of A Beautiful Disaster" by leading rock producer,Michael Conforto Mets Jersey, Howard Benson. Benson (MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, DAUGHTRY, MOTÖRHEAD) gives Durbin room to evolve musically on the hard-hitting album, saying the opportunity to work with Durbin was "pretty simple: I loved his voice. I think he has a compelling story to tell." Benson, who kept his eye on Durbin throughout 'Idol' thought, "It was interesting that he spoke his mind and didn't back down from who he was. That's always a good sign."On "American Idol",Josh Donaldson Blue Jays Jersey, James Durbin waved the flag for rock and it was that devotion to rock that helped him overcome his private struggles with tourette's and Asperger's Syndrome. He touched the hearts of people everywhere while on the show, and with the release of "Memories Of A Beautiful Disaster" he is ready to wave that flag high again.Durbin's current touring band includes former IN THIS MOMENT drummer Jeff Fabb and guitarist Blake Bunzel.

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