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[香港大學] Cheap Jerseys From China









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發表於 2017-12-17 03:07:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A big reason for the improvement from last season is the development of right tackle Derek Newton. Running back Arian Foster, who has rushed for 241 yards through Houston's first two games, raved about him as the Texans prepare for this weekend's game on the road against the New York Giants.
He knows he was often singled out last year for his mistakes and is happy to have put that trouble behind him.
The Texans are eighth in the league in yards rushing with 151.5 yards a game and new quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick hasn't been sacked through two games.
Veteran left tackle Duane Brown has taken a keen interest into helping Newton since he joined the team as a seventh-round pick in 2011,Cheap Jerseys. He always believed he could be a great player and is excited to see him beginning to live up to that potential.

Newton has improved so much this season that O'Brien said he'd be comfortable playing him at left tackle if they needed someone to fill in for Brown. Brown is confident he could do the job, too. He was wowed when he watched Newton lineup in his left tackle position during a preseason game and effectively control Atlanta defensive end Osi Umenyiora.
Brown and the rest of the linemen take pride in those two statistics and said that along with Newton's growth, their success has hinged on the closeness of the group and the time they put in together.
"We really work with each other, talk among each other about tendencies, routines and make sure we communicate and we're in synch up there whenever we get out there," he said. "That's what it's all about."
"He's grown leaps and bounds from when he first got here and even last year ...  he's just a totally different player then he was,Cheap Jerseys Online," Foster said. "Anytime you see somebody kind of thrown into the fire as a young player, you see their confidence grow throughout their career it's always a great thing to see."
HOUSTON (AP) — Houston's offensive line has emerged as one of the strengths of the team in its 2-0 start.
"When you come in as an athlete it takes a while to develop because there's a lot of technique that's involved in being an o-lineman, especially a tackle," Brown said. "He's really worked hard on his technique and really put it together and now you can see the addition of his athleticism and technique put together."
The 6-foot-6,China NFL Jerseys, 313-pound Newton said that along with working out and conditioning, he spent time this offseason thinking about all the things he needed to do to become the player he wanted to be. He said one key to his improvement is that he's finally learned not to overthink things on the field and just rely on instinct from what he's learned on the practice field and in meeting rooms.
"He has worked extremely hard since I've been here,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys," coach Bill O'Brien said. "He had a very good offseason. He was here the whole time. He became stronger, he came back in better condition, He's athletic."
Newton started each game for the Texans last year,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, but had his struggles as the team dealt with injuries and finished 2-14. Players and coaches said Newton seemed different when they began and he's built off a strong camp to excel early.
"Every player has ups and downs but it's all about fighting through it," he said. "Everybody goes through adversity,NFL Jerseys Cheap, it's all about how you overcome it, and everything is going well now so the sky's the limit."

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