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[原創音樂] Wholesale China Jerseys has proceeded on leave









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發表於 2017-12-17 03:22:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… Pathologist not availableRelatives of the victims of recent motor vehicular accidents in Berbice are frustrated at the non-availability of a Pathologist to carry out post mortem examinations of their loved ones.It has been a week since 23-year-old Ganesh ‘Max’ Persaud of 5 Strand,Soccer World Cup Jerseys, New Amsterdam,China Jerseys, lost his life after he was allegedly knocked off his CBR motorbike last Friday, and 47-year-old Joseph Harry of Port Mourant, Corentyne, was crushed to death by a motor lorry of the Albion/Port Mourant Estate, on the same day.Kaieteur News has been informed that Government Pathologist, Dr. Vivekanand Brijmohan,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, the doctor who usually performs autopsies in Berbice, has proceeded on leave, leaving the district without any replacement.This newspaper contacted Medical Superintendent of the N/A Hospital, Dr. Vishalya Sharma, who stated that Dr. Nehaul Singh has been identified as a replacement and should arrive soon in Berbice “unless something comes up”.Also, the family of Gopaul ‘Bangalee’ Jagdeo, the 55-year-old Bell cane loader operator of the Skeldon Estate who drowned in the sugar canefield canals in the Number 79 Village backdam two weeks ago, stated that they had to wait nearly a week for an autopsy to be done at the Skeldon Hospital. The time was encroaching on religious funeral rites, which stipulated that the body should have been cremated on the ninth day. Luckily,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, a pathologist turned up and the autopsy was performed in time for the desired rites.Kaieteur News understands that it is a regular occurrence across the health sector in Region 6, whereby families have great difficulty and endure long waiting times to have autopsies done on their deceased relatives and it is adding to their frustrations.“It is so sad that after five days have passed and the sixth is almost coming to an end and still yet a Doctor is not available to do a PM on the body of the late Joseph Harry”,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, said one of the man’s relatives,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, Ouditnarine Tejpertab, yesterday. “The family is so frustrated since their hands are tied when it comes to make final arrangements to lay the body in its final resting place.”This newspaper understands that other dead bodies are piling up at the various hospitals, awaiting post- mortem examinations too.

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