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The cone crusher is one of the newly invented high-tech crusher equipment. It gets high efficiency, lower cost and greater crushing ratio. Commonly it is used in producing fine and superfine crushed materials and we can see them in stone production line, gravel production line etc.
It has two types: hydraulic cone crusher and spring cone crusher and then there is a question:
What&#8217,Wholesale Jerseys Group;s the difference between the hydraulic cone crusher and spring cone crusher?
Let me explain it to you in short terms:
First, their application area:
Hydraulic cone crusher is usually used in metallurgy, chemical industry, infrastructure construction, highway and other industries. it can crush nearly all kinds of ores, rock, particularly is applicable to all kinds of metallurgical slag.
Spring cone crusher is commonly used in metallurgy industry and department construction, road paving,Wholesale Jerseys China, chemical industry,Wholesale Jerseys, used in crushing medium hardness ores and rock.
Second, their working principle
Hydraulic cone crusher working principle:
Crushing process is in the cone lining board and eccentric movement lining board of the dynamic between the complete cones. Motor through the triangle leather belt and pulley to drive the crusher horizontal axis, a horizontal axis through the gear transmission to drive the eccentric set of rotation. Eccentric spindle drive to move of the cone into a spiral movement, and thus to the eccentric swing move cone,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, and the cone lining board lining board produce periodic between the relative motion, make to break in broken cavity material continuously by extrusion and bent and broken. To break the material is the upper portion of the feeding mouth into crusher,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the broken by the material discharging the bottom of the crusher mouth education.
Spring cone crusher working principle:
Through the v-belts, pulley, transmission shaft, pinion and the bevel gear, the power will be transmitted from the electrical motor to the eccentric bushing. Thus the eccentric bushing begins to rotate, which will generate the friction force to drive the main shaft rotating and wiggling. Therefore, part of the mantle approaches the bowl liner to crush the material, while the other part of the mantle is a little bit far from the bowl liner, between which the crushed products of required size will be discharged from the lower part after repeating crushing, extruding and bending.
Ore flotation equipment : hxjqcrushercrusher/Flotation-separator.html
Vibrating screen : ore-machinecircular-screen.html

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