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Houston, Texas-based progressive instrumental act SCALE THE SUMMIT has parted ways with bassist Jordan Eberhardt and has replaced him with Mark Michell (TETRAFUSION).Commented SCALE THE SUMMIT guitarist Chris Letchford: "Jordan decided earlier in the year he no longer wanted to tour full-time, so we have decided to part ways. We have had great luck having all original members for the past three full-lengths and over six years! We wish him the best!    "We are really excited to see what Mark brings to the band! So far our first rehearsal went great!" Mark will make his live debut with SCALE THE SUMMIT on April 21 at the Fauxchella Fest in Bridgeport, Connecticut.In other news,buy wholesale nfl jerseys, SCALE THE SUMMIT will embark on the "Adventure Metal Across America" tour in May. Support on the trek will come from TODAY I CAUGHT THE PLAGUE. This tour will be the second headlining tour for SCALE THE SUMMIT and will start on May 5 and run through June 6.  Stated Letchford: "There's been a lot going on in the SCALE THE SUMMIT camp since we got home from our first headlining tour! I'm very excited announce our new 'Adventure Metal Across America Tour'! It's our second headlining tour this year for 'The Collective',wholesale nfl jerseys usa, hitting a lot of the cities we missed on the first one. For those of you who came out to the first one, we'll be mixing up our entire 80-minute set with different songs! We're really excited to be bringing out TODAY I CAUGHT THE PLAGUE, great progressive band from Toronto, currently out on the road with our buddies in PROTEST THE HERO and PERIPHERY!"  SCALE THE SUMMIT's third album, "The Collective",wholesale nfl jerseys paypal, sold around 1,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release. The CD landed at position No. 39 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200.The follow-up to 2009's "Carving Desert Canyons", "The Collective" was recorded at Paint It Black Studios in Orlando, Florida with producer Mark Lewis (DEVILDRIVER, ALL THAT REMAINS,discount wholesale nfl jerseys, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER). SCALE THE SUMMIT formed in 2005 while attending the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles. The band relocated to Texas in 2006,wholesale nfl jerseys, where they recorded their first, self-released album. After signing with Prosthetic, they issued "Carving Desert Canyons", which Revolver called "a cinematic blast of intricately melodic fretwork and pummeling percussion," in 2009.

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