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China Jerseys Andrew Meredith









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發表於 2017-12-17 10:21:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Auditor General,Air Max 97 Undefeated For Sale, Deodat Sharma has confirmed that his office has commenced investigations into the financial discrepancies outlined by City Hall in a recent letter addressed to the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development and copied to him.Sharma made that disclosure yesterday during an interview with this publication, while emphasizing that though  the  letter was merely copied to him as City Hall’s auditor he has started the investigations.The letter written by Mayor and City Council’s Senior Councillor Patricia Green seeks the Auditor General to conduct an audit of the Council’s financial records to ascertain the integrity of Council’s financial records; and what happened to the old incinerator in Princes Street.It further requested the Auditor General to examine the amount of unauthorized money paid in incentives to the City Treasurer’s Department staff; and culpability with respect to the unauthorized payment of incentives.Green stated,China NFL Jerseys Cheap, “The Town Clerk and City Treasurer paid incentives in excess of $1M out of funds belonging to the Georgetown Municipality,cheap jerseys authentic, without the express requisite authorization and permission of the Council.”Sharma asserted that a previous request to probe what had happened to the old incinerator was made and since then an investigation was launched. He was unable to say what became of that investigation but has pledged to continue investigating the matter as well as start examining the incentives issue.He mentioned that a few years ago, similar actions by the then Town Clerk and City Treasurer resulted in a Commission of Inquiry. The results of that investigation led to the dismissal of those two officers.The decision to seek the Minister and Auditor General’s intervention was as a result of the discovery that the City Treasurer, Andrew Meredith,Hockey Jerseys 2018 Cheap, with approval from the Town Clerk, Yonette Pluck,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, paid incentives to the Treasurer Department’s staff that were also paid salaries,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, while neglecting to pay over nine drainage and sanitation workers their salaries in time for the Christmas weekend.

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