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Official Metallica.com footage of METALLICA's pre-show tuning-room jam and "Battery" performance on August 6 at the sixth concert of the band's eight-date run at Palacio de los Deportes (Sports Palace) in Mexico City can be seen below.METALLICA's setlist for August 6 concert:01. Creeping Death02. For Whom The Bell Tolls03. Fuel04. Ride The Lightning05. One06. Cyanide07. The Memory Remains08. Wherever I May Roam09. Sad But True10. Welcome Home (Sanitarium)11. ...And Justice For All12. Fade to Black13. Master of Puppets14. Battery15. Nothing Else Matters16. Enter SandmanEncore:17. Blitzkrieg18. Seek & DestroyTwo members of METALLICA's road crew caught fire during each of the Mexico concerts, as the two stagehands were seen struggling with a malfunctioning pyro launcher during "Enter Sandman" when both were suddenly engulfed in flame. As James Hetfield called for the band to stop playing,Allen Iverson Team USA Jersey, other crew members doused the men with fire extinguishers and took them off the stage in stretchers, with the band resuming its show a few minutes later.A spokesperson for the promoter said the stunt was "all part of the show,Orlando Magic Jersey," and in fact METALLICA has staged this type of "accident" before during its 1997 tour,Custom Wizards Jersey, on which the show ended with the stage seemingly collapsing around the band as one crew member caught fire and another dangled upside down from the fallen lighting rig. The effect was caught on the band's "Cunning Stunts" DVD.The show on July 28 marked the debut of a new 140-foot-by-50-foot stage that features "colossal components and striking visual elements spanning METALLICA's entire 30-year career," meaning that the "accident" stunt could be back for an encore.At a press conference before the show,Michael Jordan Team USA Jersey, frontman James Hetfield said that the band was focused on "staying alive" while performing alongside the "dangerous elements" of the new production, with bassist Robert Trujillo adding, "Like James said,DeAndre Jordan Team USA Jersey, it's very dangerous — we've got stuff flying every which way."A post in the "Tour Journal" section of METALLICA's official web site related that "shit really hit the fan (during 'Enter Sandman' with) loud bangs,James Harden Team USA Jersey, random fireworks,custom nba jerseys, falling towers, falling spot light guy,Magic Johnson Team USA Jersey, falling scaffolding, guy was caught on fire . . . then a complete blackout."METALLICA played the Outside Lands festival in San Francisco this past weekend and is scheduled to perform two shows in late August in Vancouver, which will be filmed for the band's upcoming 3D movie.

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