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發表於 2017-12-17 10:41:42 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The third preseason game is usually taken the most seriously by coaching staffs,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, at least in terms of how much the starters play. Detroit coach Jim Caldwell indicated Johnson might finally make an appearance against the Jaguars.
NOTES: Caldwell said DT Nick Fairley remains a reserve, although he gave no indication how long that might last. "He's not starting right now,NFL Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, he's second team,Cheap Jerseys China," Caldwell said. "It's a long week. We've got a lot of work to do in between, and typically like most games, we'll take a look at where we are and make an assessment on that toward the end of the week."
Johnson hasn't played in Detroit's first two preseason games, but that seems likely to change this week against Jacksonville. In Johnson's absence, the Lions still looked impressive throwing the ball last week at Oakland, and Detroit has several receivers who are creating competition for playing time.
ALLEN PARK, Mich. (AP) — The Detroit Lions acquired Golden Tate to play alongside Calvin Johnson.
"We plan to get him some work this week," Caldwell said. "That's today that I'm telling you that. If toward the end of the week, something adjusts where we have to adjust here and there — and it could be that with a number of different guys, but we plan to get him some work this week."
He's trying to keep his goals and expectations simple as the exhibition season progresses.
Tate left Super Bowl champion Seattle to sign with the Lions after catching 64 passes last season. He figures to be Matthew Stafford's top target aside from Johnson, but there are signs the receiving corps could have more depth than in the past.
"A lot of guys got opportunities and they made the most of them," Stafford said. "That's what we're looking for this time of year. Obviously we did some things that were positive on the offensive and defensive side of the ball early."
"Every game he shows a little more who he is. He gains a little more confidence in his leg," Tate said. "For him mentally to focus in and get himself better, after being let down so many times, and to come out here now and just ball out, says a lot about him and how strong he is mentally."
Wide receiver Corey Fuller, a sixth-round draft pick last year who has not played in an NFL game,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, is trying to make an impression as well. He caught the winning touchdown pass in Detroit's preseason opener against Cleveland.
The Lions also have running back Reggie Bush and tight end Brandon Pettigrew as pass-catching threats, and they drafted tight end Eric Ebron in the first round.

This week, he might finally have a chance to do that.
Even without Johnson on the field, Stafford went 9 of 10 for 88 yards against the Raiders. He completed a 28-yard scoring pass to Tate and added a 4-yard touchdown pass to Kris Durham. He completed passes to five receivers on three drives.
"No mental errors,Supply Authentic NFL Jerseys, playing the best that I can play," Fuller said. "Keep my pad level low, come out of my break,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, just little things."
Durham and Stafford were college teammates at Georgia, and Durham caught 38 passes for the Lions last season. Detroit is also hopeful that Ryan Broyles can stay healthy and contribute. Broyles ruptured an Achilles tendon last October — after he had come back from torn anterior cruciate ligaments in both knees.
"I can't wait to get out there with him," Tate said. "I just love playing the game. To get out there with the best receiver in the league and one of the best to ever play the game is going to be super fun."

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