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Wholesale NFL Jerseys China 90 percent of the cases are from Georgetown









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發表於 2017-12-17 11:20:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As dengue cases increase, Minister of Health, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy is cautioning citizens of a possible outbreak if more is not done to control the disease.“We will have an outbreak if we don’t do something about it. The fogging will help for a few hours because it only kills mosquitoes that are on the outside,Cheap Jerseys,” Minister Ramsammy said.According to Dr. Ramsammy, it was found that the number one breeding site is within tyres that are in yards. In this regard, he urged for persons to keep a more safe and clean environment in their homes, so as to avoid the spread of the infection.“I can only educate people… I can’t come and remove the tanks and the tyres. Dengue will come at the end of the day, and whilst we are making ways in protecting,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, we are not going to be able to protect unless all of us do it together.”A total of 424 dengue cases have already been recorded for the year so far as opposed to 108 cases for 2008. According to Minister Ramsammy, 90 percent of the cases are from Georgetown, East Coast Demerara,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, East Bank Demerara and Lethem.The numbers,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, he explained, have decreased since the fogging in Georgetown and Lethem. Fogging will be completed in the city this week and will subsequently commence on the East Coast and East Bank. It was noted that due to the heavy presence of the infection in Georgetown, there will be fogging every three months.During the month of March, a total of 3,000 homes were visited in Georgetown by vector control staff to check for the larvae and possible sites where the mosquitoes that spread dengue will breed.It was earlier reported that the Ministry of Health is expected to spend some $50 million in 2009 on fogging exercises in Guyana, in an effort to reduce the number of dengue cases in the country.So far for this year, a total of $5 million has already been spent on fogging.Minister Ramsammy had explained to this newspaper that while the fogging exercises are expensive,China Jerseys Wholesale, the health ministry will have to find some way of ‘juggling’ its funds.Recently,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the Ministry of Health issued an urgent advisory to residents in regions four and nine as there was an increase in the number of dengue cases in the areas of Georgetown and Lethem along with a part of the East Coast of Demerara.

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