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發表於 2017-12-17 15:39:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Jarryl BryanThe recent statements by Attorney General Basil Williams that establishing a law school locally was not a priority is not sitting well with the Opposition People’s Progressive Party (PPP),Cheap Jerseys For Sale, who yesterday demanded that Government pushFormer Attorney General Anil Nandlallahead with the project.This was communicated during the party’s weekly press conference at Freedom House. General Secretary of the PPP Clement Rohee accused Williams of “flip-flopping” on the issue, noting that it was President David Granger who had earlier expressed support for the project.At a press conference on Wednesday last at the Ministry of Legal Affairs, Williams had reportedly stated that establishing the law school was not a priority,Cheap NFL Jerseys, considering the state of the economy. He had, however, expressed support for a public/private partnership to advance the law school.Rohee took the position that since the administration found money to carry out the recent forensic audits, as well as for the recent 50% Ministerial pay hike, then the money could be found for the law school.The General Secretary, while acknowledging the costs that would be associated with the project,Cheap Jerseys Online, also noted that a feasibility study will point out the benefits. He also noted statements by University of Guyana Vice Chancellor Jacob Opadeyi that a local law school would pay for itself.Under the established agreement between the Government of Guyana and the Hugh Wooding Law School (HWLS) – based in Trinidad, 25 of the best graduating Guyanese students are allowed automatic entry into the law school to pursue the Certificate in Legal Education.This is after they would have completed the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree at the University of Guyana. However,Cheap Baseball Jerseys, last year the 25 students were denied automatic entry to HWLS by the Council of Legal Education (CLE), citing overcrowding of the facility. Following this, the calls for a local law school took on new urgency.During his press conference, Williams had reportedly stated that the PPP backpedalled on establishing the law school. According to the Minister of Legal Affairs, Guyana had gotten permission to open a local law school, but had reneged.PPP General Secretary Clement RoheeWhen contacted by Kaieteur News yesterday, former Attorney General Anil Nandlall denied that regional legal education authorities, specifically the CLE, ever gave the go-ahead for Guyana to establish a regional law school locally.Instead, the former Attorney General affirmed that during his tenure (2012-2015) a decision was made at the level of both the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Heads of Government meetings and the CLE to have a comprehensive study done.This study, Nandlall stated, would have determined several aspects of regional law education, including how adequate were the number of Regional law schools, versus increasing student intake, the viability of the law syllabus, new schools and reassessing the role of the CLE.”At these meetings the position which I articulated,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys Authentic, was that while Guyana is interested in the establishment of a law school locally, Guyana will await the outcome of the review. Legal education in the Caribbean is a regionally managed and driven process, and any law school established in Guyana must be one (with) the support and recognition of the region and should be part of the regional system of legal education.”“This approach will ensure that any law school established locally will enjoy international recognition and the academic integrity which similar regional institutions enjoy,” Nandlall said.Urging the present Government to be more aggressive with regards to the school,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Nandlall used several examples for viability purposes. He also pointed to the Texila American University as further proof of the law institution’s potential.“The establishment of a regional law school in Guyana will bring to the country immeasurable economic (and) financial benefits.“Students from the Caribbean and further afield will come here to reside for the period of their studies.”Attorney GeneralBasil WilliamsNoting that the financial inflows would be remarkable, he pointed out the impact that the Hugh Wooding Law School, UWI, St. Augustine Campus, Mount Hope Medical School, Trinidad, UWI Cave Hill Campus, Barbados and St. George’s University, Antigua had on their respective economies.

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