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發表於 2017-12-17 16:37:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Hernandez's lawyer acknowledged for the first time Tuesday in his closing argument that the former player was there when Lloyd was killed,Jerseys NFL Wholesale. But he described him as a 23-year-old kid who did not know what to do,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale.
Superior Court Judge Susan Garsh sent the jury home at 4:30 p.m. following deliberations that have lasted 9 hours so far over two days.
Hernandez was brought into the courtroom at the Fall River Justice Center several times Wednesday as lawyers discussed the notes and other issues. At other times, he was held in a cell at the courthouse to await word on a verdict.
Hernandez is charged with the June 2013 shooting death of Odin Lloyd, who was dating his fiancee's sister. Lloyd was shot six times in an industrial park less than a mile from Hernandez's home. At the time, the star tight end had a $40 million contract with the Patriots.
Prosecutors say Hernandez planned the crime, drove Lloyd to a secluded area, killed him, and then tried to cover it up.
On Wednesday, jurors asked questions to clarify two weapon and ammunition possession charges Hernandez faces in addition to the murder charge. Hernandez is charged with illegally possessing a .45-caliber handgun and .22-caliber ammunition.
FALL RIVER, Mass. (AP) — A jury ended deliberations for a second day Wednesday in the murder trial of former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez, who is charged in the shooting death of another man.
Deliberations begin at 9 a.m. and go until 4:30 p.m.,Wholesale Jerseys China, or later if jurors wish. They must come to a unanimous decision and are considering three charges: murder,China Cheap Jerseys, illegal possession of a firearm and illegal possession of ammunition. The murder charge carries a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole if he is found guilty of first-degree murder,Cheap Jerseys China, or life in prison with the possibility of parole after 15 years if he is found guilty of second-degree murder.
The defense pinned the killing on two of Hernandez's friends, co-defendants Ernest Wallace and Carlos Ortiz. Both men have pleaded not guilty and will be tried later.
Earlier Wednesday,Wholesale China Jerseys, jurors sent another note asking for a list of the 439 exhibits they have to sift through as they decide whether to convict Hernandez. Both sides agreed to send one.
Jurors asked whether they needed to find Hernandez intended to use the item. The judge said no. They also asked what "dominion, power or control" over the item means. The judge said it means the ability to decide what is to be done with the object.

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