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By Dr. NerominiFaguSome oral conditions are just not visible through the naked eye, and so other tools are needed to help in their detection.  An important diagnostic tool in Dentistry is the dental x-ray also called a dental radiograph.  Dental x-rays can detect even the slightest traces of oral health problems at their earliest stages, such as cavities, gum disease, oral infections,Cheap Jerseys, and some types of tumors.Dental x-rays are used to investigate conditions as well as to confirm a diagnosis.  With the advancement in technology,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, it is now safer to have dental x-rays done.The newer digital imaging technique uses sensors and computers instead of developing x-ray film in a darkroom. There are several benefits of using digital dental x-rays:·    There is much less radiation and therefore safer·    There is no wait time for the x-rays to develop·    The images can be stored or sent electronically to another dentist or specialist if needed·    The image can be enhanced and enlarged many times its actual size on the computer screen, making it easier for your dentist to show you where and what the problem is.·    Measurements can be taken of the tooth for use in different procedures such as root canal treatmentsThe need for dental x-rays is based on individual assessment and whether you are a new patient,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, a follow-up patient, adult or child.  In most countries,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, new patients will undergo a full set of mouth x-rays to evaluate their current oral health status and to form a baseline for future comparison.Follow-up patients may require x-rays to monitor their gum condition or their chance of tooth decay. Children may need to have dental x-rays more often than adults in order to monitor the growth of their adult teeth. Dental x-rays may be done more often if your dentist is tracking the progress of a dental problem or treatment.Some common dental procedures that may require an x-ray are as follows:·    Extraction: Your dentist may need to know the position of the roots of the tooth to avoid complications during the extraction.  Dental x-rays are especially important when removing wisdom teeth and teeth that have severely broken down.  X-rays may also be taken after an extraction to ensure all the roots have been removed.·    Fillings: Not all teeth that have decay can be filled.  Sometimes the decay is too deep and filling is not an option.  An x-ray will help your dentist determine the extent of the decay and the correct course of treatment for the tooth.·    Gum Disease: Persons suffering from severe gum disease will have bone loss.  An x-ray will help your dentist to determine the amount of bone loss and monitor treatment progress.·    Dental Decay: Sometimes decay is not easily visible to the naked eye and exists in areas the dentist cannot see.  When this occurs between teeth it is referred to as interproximal decay.·    Decay Under Fillings: Sometimes decay can occur under existing fillings and can only be seen with an x-ray.  This type of decay is referred to as recurrent caries.·    Root Infection:  Sometimes infection will occur in the bone at the tips of your teeth and the only way to see this is with an x-ray.·    Root Canal Treatment: Multiple x-rays are needed during a proper root canal treatment.  The x-rays help your dentist to see the entire canal of the tooth and ensure successful treatment.  Follow up x-rays months and years after the procedure are necessary to ensure proper healing of the bone surrounding the treated tooth.Dental x-rays are an invaluable tool for your dentist to ensure proper treatment of dental issues.   Along with routine check-ups, regular dental x-rays are necessary for early detection and treatment of oral diseases because they can help to discover dental problems before they have a chance to develop.If you don’t catch these issues early, even the latest technology and an affordable dentist would not be able to save you from the pain,Cheap Jerseys From China, time,Cheap Jerseys, and expense of treating them after they have worsened.For more information contact OMNI DENTAL at 295 Quamina Street,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, Georgetown Tel: 227-0025, Parika Tel: 260-3133 or send emails to [email protected]

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