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發表於 2017-12-17 18:36:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I'm way ahead of where I thought I was going to be," Golden said. "As you keep going, you keep building your confidence. I know I can be one of the best, so I just have to keep on working.
Asked to expand on the statement Wednesday, Arians said Golden has shown he can deal with a larger role.
TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — Markus Golden was not credited with a statistic Monday night in his team's win over the Baltimore Ravens. Still, he played 51 snaps,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2016, or 80 percent of the Arizona Cardinals' defensive plays, and his coach has taken notice of the rookie linebacker's play.
Golden is earning a reputation for playing fast and physical, validating the Cardinals' selection of him in the second round of this year's draft.
Golden has started the past two games as the "Will," or weakside linebacker, a position that demands the versatility to stop the run, get pressure on the quarterback and drop back into pass coverage. It's a position often manned by a hybrid defensive end-linebacker in the Cardinals' scheme.
"It's about the name on the back of my jersey at the end of the day," Golden said. "I've got a lot of little cousins watching me. So of course I want to work hard and keep putting on for my family back home."
Golden is starting in place of the injured Alex Okafor, who is close to returning though he didn't practice Wednesday.  Golden is also highly motivated by trying to set a good example for his family in St. Louis, his hometown.
NOTES: Two-time special teams Pro Bowl selection Justin Bethel is in line to start at cornerback this Sunday at Cleveland in place of the injured Jerraud Powers. Bethel, though, was limited Wednesday with a foot injury. Powers didn't practice Wednesday due to a hamstring injury. "He should be plenty ready. He's had a ton of snaps. He's done a great job since he's been in there," Arians said of Bethel, who would retain all of his special teams duties in addition to increased snaps on defense. ... Bethel has an interception return for a touchdown this season,Jerseys NFL Cheap, and expects the Browns to throw at him. "I want them to," he said. "Get me a couple of picks while I'm in there." ... WR John Brown (hamstring), TE Darren Fells (shoulder), WR Brittan Golden (groin), DT Frostee Rucker (quadriceps) and C Lyle Sendlein (ankle) did not practice, nor did Okafor (calf). S Deone Bucannon (elbow) and LB Dwight Freeney (finger) were limited. "Some will be back (Thursday) and some won't,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet," Arians said.
Golden is credited with 16 tackles and five quarterback hits and pressures this season. It's typically difficult for a rookie to make an early impact on an Arians' team, but the coach said Golden is ahead of the curve.
Golden, at 6-foot-3 and 260 pounds,Jerseys Cheap China, fits the mold,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and he's come a long way since the difficult days of summer.
"He's playing extremely well. For a rookie, he's probably six weeks ahead of where I thought he would be," Arians said Monday.

"I usually don't count on rookies until after Thanksgiving in a major role," Arians said. "He's proven to exceed the expectations. He's a mature player. He's a mature person, so he's exceeded those expectations in that he can handle the volume of defense that we're putting on him and not make a bunch of mental errors."
"In training camp it was hard. I was like 'It's kind of hard to remember the plays.' But at the beginning of the season I was like 'OK, I get it. I know what I've got to do,'" Golden said. "You see all these guys (teammates) making plays. You've got to step your game up. You've got to compete with the guys on your team, too, because you want to make a name for yourself."
"He's exactly what we drafted, a junkyard dog,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping," Cardinals coach Bruce Arians said earlier in the week. "He goes full speed in practice all the time. You have to tell him 'Whoa.' That's what his signature is. It's his motor."

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