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發表於 2017-12-17 23:52:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As thousands flock revenue agency, patrons perturbed at snail pace Thousands of vehicle owners who were scurrying to satisfy the June, 1, 2011 deadline to acquire Motor Vehicle Licences (MVL) can breathe a sigh of relief. The due date for the MVL has been extended to June month end.“While the authorities may not admit it, it is because of the constructive criticisms that have been made that have allowed this action to be taken,” some vehicle owners said.Problems had temporarily halted the sale of Motor Vehicle Licences (MVL) at two of its offices in April last which also contributed to the present rush to acquire Motor Vehicle Licences.Patrons told this publication yesterday that they were irked at the same snail paced system at the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA).“I don’t have a whole day to put aside to stand in a line to buy a piece of paper; this system needs to be revamped and the authorities need to put something better in place,” one man at the revenue agency said.Yesterday, in a release the GRA stated that it has extended the sale of Motor Vehicle Licences (MVL) to June 30, 2011. The sale and renewal of licences will continue to be facilitated at the Licence Revenue Office (LRO), the Tax Operation and Services Department (formerly VAT Building) Albert and Charlotte Streets and Internal Revenue Office, Guyana Post Office Building, Robb Street (Georgetown) and at all GRA Regional Branch Offices (Lethem, Corriverton, New Amsterdam, Linden, Anna Regina, Parika and Bartica).Additionally, commencing Saturday May 28, 2011 licences for motor vehicles registered in the ‘P’,’G’,C, T, B and ‘H (excluding yellow cabs) series will also be on sale at the Tax Operations and Services Building (formerly VAT building) at Albert Street on Saturdays between 09:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs.Motor vehicle owners are reminded that in order to avoid delays in the processing of the licence they must present the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), 2010 Motor Vehicle Licence, Motor Vehicle Registration and the relevant fee.The cost of the MVL is based on the unladen weight of the motor vehicle. All fees remain the same as last year.Yellow cabs owners are asked to note that their Motor Vehicle Licences can only be obtained at the LRO.Yesterday, many persons expressed their displeasure at the delay at the office on Smyth Street, Tax Operations and Services Building, Albert and Charlotte Streets,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, General Post Office, Robb Street and Customs House on Main Street.According to most clientele at the revenue agencies, technological challenges in the system seem to be a major excuse for the delays experienced by taxpayers.Other issues were related to the hours that persons had to wait in lines at the various offices.“I am here since 9am and now is 2pm. These people giving you till next week for the due date, and they contributing to the mess in the system and they want force people with a time limit. They wasting people time!”Vehicle owners were informed by GRA that failure fail to purchase their licences or renew same on or before June 1, 2011 will be required to pay a ten percent administrative penalty on the cost of their licence.In addition, persons without their motor vehicle licences after the grace period may be subject to a fine by the Guyana Police Force.As of this year, LRO has introduced an additional security feature in the motor vehicle licences with the inclusion of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) displayed on the document.All motor vehicle owners must therefore ensure that they have a TIN before the new licence could be issued.However, persons who requested anonymity are of the opinion that the tax agency needs to adapt better principles in executing their business since it is frustrating for them to spend the entire day without receiving their licence, and have to dedicate another through the same ordeal. “This is sickening; they are always giving excuses!”

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