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發表於 2017-12-18 08:03:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Nobody is going to use KNews to incite violence and disrespectKaieteur News Publisher,Wholesale China Jerseys, Glenn Lall, took the first step among Guyanese media to put an end to gutter politics in Guyana when he pulled a political advertisement and refused to ever publish anything of that nature again.“It’s time this country matures and returns to some decency and dignity. Whomever we support we have to do it in a way that respects everyone’s right to freedom of association and their opinion.“This paper fights every day for this. I will not stand by and see anyone’s right in this nation trampled, disrespected and demeaned. This is a recipe for big trouble. Guyana can do without it!”Lall made these remarks upon making the decision not to re-publish a whole-page political advertisement which appeared in his paper over the weekend.The ad shows several photographs which depict despicable acts being performed on the flag of the party placing the advertisement purportedly by members of another party and particular race.“It is not that we are saying that if such acts actually happened they should not be reported upon. We would be the first to do it”.  In a political season where tensions are high, parties need to be much more responsible with the messages they send to their supporters.“They need to distinguish which material will fall squarely in the area of “political advertisements” which state concrete facts, figures, track records, failures and promises as against those which are designed to defame, and inflame people’s passions and cause them to act destructively and irrationally.Lall says, “If I see someone doing a thing like that to my flag, it might really get me crazy you know.  On the other hand, if I see women of my ethnicity being depicted in this derogatory way,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, it would have the same effect.“So we have to help them to rise above this kind of thing. Nobody is going to use my paper to spread hate, disrespect and incite people’s baser passions. I just won’t print it!”Conversely, Lall notes that all parties whose followers could be perpetrating acts of intimidation and disrespect should announce zero tolerance for such behavior.“This is a free country! Guyanese are guaranteed under the constitution of this country, freedom of association! You could vote for whom you want and nobody is to tell you or do you anything! You could say what you want. Same thing!”The paper is calling on the public to ensure that respect for each other and everyone’s right to choose freely is not compromised in any way, shape or form, Lall said.The general public has been indicating concern over the tone of some campaign advertising and the vicious nature of personal and other attacks appearing on social media as the Guyana election draws to a close.There have been reports of paraphernalia being removed or destroyed, heckling, and some physical intimidation. However,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the biggest concerns have been over the things being said about other Guyanese by some political parties.Analysts believe that these are exactly the ingredients which if not snuffed out now,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, in the pre-election run up,cheap nfl jerseys elite, could combust to the detriment of the entire nation.Lall says his paper will be on the lookout for any materials of an incendiary nature coming in from any source,Cheap NFL Jerseys, including political.  “I guess those letter writers who have been expressing concern and worrying about the rise in tension that all this below the belt political advertising I could be causing will be happy now. Kaieteur News is again leading the way. I hope other media will follow!

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