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Cheap NFL Jerseys ” the Minister said.This









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Tassa drumming filled the air yesterday at the New Guyana Marketing Corporation’s Bourda location when a grand ‘Grow More Food’ festival was hosted to promote the concept within the region.Yesterday, the ‘Guyana Shop’ showcased a wide range of fresh and processed products that are being made available locally and sold at special prices.As Carifesta X is being hosted in Guyana,China NFL Jerseys, Minster of Agriculture,China Cheap Jerseys, Robert Persaud, yesterday said that the promotion is part of the new GMC’s input to the festival’s success.The Agriculture Minister said that he sees the promotion as being very useful since it will encourage regional visitors to grow more products in Guyana.“The visitors, who are here to experience and be part of what Guyana has in terms of its agriculture potential,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, have an opportunity to see what is being grown and produced in Guyana.”The Minister added that many visitors will recognise the range of agricultural produce being grown in the country.“We also hope that coming out of Carifesta event, too, that we will see persons coming back…and spreading the word that Guyana is a place where you can have food,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, so that we can capitalise on these opportunities for our farmers,” the Minister said.This, he stressed, is a worthwhile venture,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and he expressed hope that lots of spin-offs could be realised from this venture, along with benefits.There was sampling of various products throughout the day as well as giveaways with selected purchases.The promotion, which began early yesterday morning, showcased a wide range of fresh and processed products.Speaking with Kaieteur News, Head of the New GMC, Nizam Hassan, said that the response from the public was tremendous.He said that many of the visiting delegations were at the shop in the early part of the morning purchasing items.To add to the festive atmosphere customers and visitors were treated to live music and drumming, reflecting Guyana’s rich heritage, as well as that of the Caribbean.Information packages outlining the many exciting and financially rewarding investment opportunities that exist in the non-traditional crops sector were also distributed to visitors.The ‘Guyana Shop’ has a range of over 500 locally produced products including jams, jellies, sauces, spices,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, pastas, beverages, fresh fruits and vegetables, and handicraft.The event was organised by the New Guyana Marketing Corporation.

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