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發表於 2017-12-18 16:01:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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He played one half of one high school football season in St. Louis after recovering from an auto accident just before his senior year and a single season in college after bouncing around to three universities, one of which didn't even field a football team.
How would you like to sign a futures contract, Elway asked?
His friends started to joke that he was getting too old to keep doing this, like that chap who can't bring himself to throw away the love letters from his high school sweetheart.
For years, Schmitz returned to Clayton High School in St. Louis, often after getting off work at 2 a.m. — not to pine over the state championship he helped win in 2004, but to practice on a field illuminated only by the lights of his Volkswagen.
Still, no NFL scouts called.
Carl Schmitz.
"I think mentally he just needs to convince himself and be confident, you can perform under pressure," Hollis said this week. "But he obviously believes in himself and what he can do."
"And I know it's like the biggest stretch of a dream that anybody else can realize, but in my heart of hearts,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, I felt like it was always possible," Schmitz said.
While managing his father's tapas restaurant, Schmitz often bartended, the tips jar funding his trips to kicking camps and combines.
"That night I didn't sleep a lick," Schmitz said. "I had like 18 alarms set to make sure I'm at the airport at like 5."
He caught no winks on the flight, either. Arriving at 8:30,Jerseys Cheap China, he was on the field an hour later, warming up under the glares of DeCamillis and his assistant, Tony Coaxum.
The pressure off, he turned heads at Gary Zauner's kicking combine in Arizona, then caught a red-eye home. No sooner had his head hit the pillow when Broncos special teams coach Joe DeCamillis called offering him a tryout in Denver the next morning after another red-eye.
Soon, he was an Internet sensation,cheap jerseys elite, this 6-foot-4, 210-pound athlete pounding punts and coolly splitting the uprights from 70 yards.
Schmitz's dogged determination took him to Arizona State, where he walked on but was ruled ineligible because of a problem with his transcripts. He transferred to Missouri-St. Louis, where there's no football team. Then, after redshirting a year, he played a season at Jacksonville University.
Yet, here he is, amazingly, with a shot at making the Denver Broncos — after he turned the head of chief executive John Elway.
"And out the corner of my eye, I see, I mean, it's pretty easy to recognize who John Elway is," Schmitz recounted, still awestricken two months later. "So, I catch that punt, I stop the Jugs machine, I run over,China NFL Jerseys, introduce myself, shake their hands, say 'Thank you for the opportunity.'"
Then, "I just kind of shook it off and zoned in on what I needed to do and muscle memory takes over," Schmitz said. "I've been doing this forever, you know?"
Yet, here he is with a shot, however long, to unseat punter Britton Colquitt and kickoff specialist Brandon McManus this summer after wowing Elway in a blurry-eyed tryout that was just as outrageous as the rest of his journey.
Of course, he said, racing upstairs to sign a contract that will pay him $435,000 this year if he makes the team.
His time there consisted of 11 kickoffs and no punts,Cheap Baseball Jerseys China. It was so forgettable that the school's website doesn't even spell his name correctly.
Before he knew it, the tryout was over and he was showered and sitting down for a quick breakfast in the team cafeteria when Elway called him over to his table.
"I always believed in my ability," Schmitz said. "So, in the back of my mind I knew at some point I would be here."
While in Jacksonville, however, he met then-Jaguars kicker Mike Hollis. Schmitz reached out to him after graduation and Hollis helped him realize he didn't have to muscle every kick.
It's just Karl again. Go back to sleep.
His dream at long last is within reach.
Knowing of this British citizen's American dream, neighbors didn't call police.

He had promised himself that this year was his last try. If no one called, he'd give up on his football fantasy.
ENGLEWOOD,Wholesale Jerseys, Colo. (AP) — The labyrinthine path that 28-year-old punter Karl Schmitz took to the cusp of the NFL routed him from the soccer pitches and beaches of Bermuda to being a YouTube sensation and finally a legitimate pro prospect.
And in a twist on the seven-year itch: Schmitz's last in-game kick came in 2008.

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