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Cheap Authentic Jerseys and develop minority-









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發表於 2016-12-21 07:59:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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On May 21-23, 2012, Diversity Alliance for Science, Inc., a non-profit organization created to support, mentor, and develop minority-, woman-,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, veteran/service-disabled-, HUBZone-, and LGBT-owned, life sciences businesses,Cheap Jerseys USA, will host its fifth annual networking conference and EXPO event.  Bret Michaels, award-winning multi-platinum musician and long-time health advocate, will address the conference held at the Renaissance Newark Airport Hotel in Newark, N.J. on May 22 at 1:00 p.m. Bret Michaels has sold 32 million albums and scored chart-topping singles as the front man for the rock band POISON and a solo musician; starred in multiple hit television reality shows, including "The Celebrity Apprentice" (winner of Season 9); and appeared on multiple shows,NFL Jerseys Supply, including "Oprah", "David Letterman",Wholesale NFL Jerseys, "Ellen", "The View" and "Good Morning America".  Having lived with diabetes since the age of 6,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, in 2011 within a matter of weeks he suffered a brain hemorrhage,Cheap Jerseys, stroke, underwent an emergency appendectomy and was diagnosed with a hole in his heart.  Bret Michaels has been a long-time health advocate and serves as the spokesperson for the National Diabetes Month. He received the American Diabetes Association's esteemed Chair's Citation Award for excellence for raising awareness and funds for the organization. He is an active supporter of many other health organizations.         Diversity Alliance for Science,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Inc. works to forge mutually beneficial relationships between diverse businesses, pharmaceutical firms, biotech companies, academic medical centers in the life sciences and government agencies.  Diversity has been shown to be a key factor in leading to health care innovation, thereby driving leading-edge competitiveness, economic development and growth in communities. Diversity Alliance for Science's Fifth Annual Networking Conference and EXPO will provide an important opportunity for participants to collaborate on best practices in fostering the inclusion of diverse businesses in clinical trials and scientific research.  One-on-one matchmaking sessions will foster mutually beneficial partnerships between participating diverse suppliers and attending corporations, academic institutions, and government agencies.  Additionally, the EXPO will include an interactive trade show where attending corporations can meet leading diverse suppliers.There will be a special networking and cocktail event for participants on Tuesday, May 22, which will include a silent auction, featuring autographed items from Bret Michaels.  As in past years, proceeds from the silent auction will provide access and education in the life sciences area to low poverty, deserving high-school students.  Scholarships will be presented to local students by the Office of the Mayor of Newark.

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