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發表於 2017-12-19 20:25:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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There was one new injury. Defensive tackle Xavier Williams, an undrafted rookie having an excellent camp,Cheap Jerseys From China, hurt his left elbow and was to undergo an MRI.
And the training camp for first-round draft pick D.J. Humphries ended the way it had started, with severe criticism for the big tackle from Arians.
"The milk man delivered today," Arians said.
"He's just got to mature," Arians said. "Talent's not the issue. The maturity level,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, building trust. You can't turn blitzers loose on the backside of a quarterback and have any trust."
Phillip Sims, trying to unseat Logan Thomas as the third quarterback, will play third,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, with Thomas finishing up the game.
"I think we did a good job establishing our identity," defensive end Calais Campbell said, "figuring out what kind of team we're going to be."
Running back Chris Johnson and cornerback Jerraud Powers will go. Johnson hopes to see his first game action since he was signed. He has been slowed by a hamstring problem. Powers said he definitely will play, especially after Arians nicknamed him "milk man," implying he was milking the injury to get out of practice.
Arians has said it's possible he might have two quarterbacks on the active roster and one on the practice squad.
Across Phoenix from Glendale to the east suburb of Tempe, workouts will resume at the Cardinals' facility Monday and Tuesday ahead of the team's final preseason game at Denver next Thursday. Cuts to reduce the roster to 53 will follow.
Powers had two interceptions in the final practice,Wholesale NFL Jerseys.
The players packed their bags, checked out of the nearby Renaissance Hotel and returned to their homes. On Saturday, they will leave for Sunday night's preseason game at Oakland.
Coach Bruce Arians, always a master of one-liners, says it will be nice to sleep in his own bed and, besides,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, "my liver likes a break,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, too."
Inside linebacker Sean Weatherspoon still did not practice due to a hamstring injury and won't make the trip to Oakland.
The coach said it's undetermined how much the starters will play Sunday. Palmer might not go past the first quarter, and backup Drew Stanton won't play much either.
GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) — The Arizona Cardinals brought their training camp to an end Friday with a brisk morning workout in front of a smattering of fans at University of Phoenix Stadium.
"I thought we had an excellent camp," he said. "I hate to use the word potential because potential is a negative thing for me. But we have potential to be a pretty good team. We still daily make too many mistakes that beat ourselves with penalties and missed assignments."

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