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Kaaos TV conducted an interview with drummer Mario Duplantier and bassist Jean-Michel Labadie of French progressive metallers GOJIRA at the Finnish edition of the Sonisphere festival on June 4 at Kalasatama in Helsinki. You can now watch the chat below."Liquid Fire", a brand new song from GOJIRA, is available for free download from the band's Facebook page (scroll down). The track comes off the group's fifth album,Cheap nfl Jerseys, "L'Enfant Sauvage", which will be released on June 26 via Roadrunner Records."L'Enfant Sauvage" (which translates to "The Wild Child") features 11 tracks of mind-bending,Cheap nfl Jerseys china, thunderous metal.  The CD was recorded at Spin Recording Studios in Long Island City, New York with co-producer Josh Wilbur (LAMB OF GOD).In a recent interview with Metalshrine,Cheap Jerseys from china, Joseph Duplantier stated about the new album title, "We couldn't call it 'The Wild Child', because it's hard to translate 'L'Enfant Sauvage'. It's not really the wild child as understood in English, because a wild child for me, has an aspect like someone out of control somehow. 'L'Enfant Sauvage' in French… 'Sauvage' is something that is not educated or something that is like free and completely free in nature. A wild flower that goes wherever she wants and becomes something beautiful. The idea with 'L'Enfant Sauvage' is like with a human that would grow up in nature, raised by wolves, for example, without the influence from others and the influence from institutions or society in general. Without a social security number. [laughs] Not even a name. This is what you are and I am on the inside, right? How much the education and the culture, emotions and the guilt are interacting with us and it changes us and how far are we from this pure child inside? That's the question we had on this album."A special collector's package of "L'Enfant Sauvage" will feature two bonus tracks and a double-colored vinyl version of the record, along with an exclusive t-shirt.GOJIRA will release a new DVD/Blu-ray, "The Flesh Alive",Wholesale Jerseys, in the U.S. on July 31 via Mascot. The set will be made available in the following formats:* 2-DVD+CD* Blu-ray+CD with free posterThe three-disc "The Flesh Alive" chronicles the making of GOJIRA's 2008 album, "The Way Of All Flesh",Wholesale NFL Jerseys Cheap, and the touring activity that followed the CD's release.  "L'Enfant Sauvage" (song) video:

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