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By Latoya GilesSugar workers are annoyed at the fact that they are still to be paid by GuySuCo.One sugar worker attached at the Diamond Sugar Estate said that he has a family who is heavily dependent on him and this situation has placed them on the “bread line”.The man explained that at present his wife is unemployed and together they have three children who all attend private schools. The irate worker said that it is very frustrating not knowing when one would be paid.He added that with the festive season approaching it is even more stressful to deal with. Another said that GuySuCo was always in the habit of mistreating workers. He said that every month is a new problem which workers are faced with.“Them pay we meager wages, then now they ain’t got money to pay,China Jerseys Cheap,” the worker said.The wife of one such employee told this newspaper that the entire situation is something very stressful to deal with.“I have children to maintain, we have to eat and my husband is the only person working what would happen to us if they don’t pay him” was the question asked by the woman.Meanwhile,Cheap NFL Jerseys, GuySuCo’s CEO Errol Hanoman,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, was adamant that the monies would be paid by Monday.He said, “At present they are mobilising funds and they are definitely going to pay their workers by Monday.” When asked about the date for the arrival of the transport ship,Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys, Hanoman said that the boat is expected to arrive in Guyana by December 11 or December 12.On Thursday,2014 Olympic Team USA #44 Brooks Orpik White Stitched NHL Jersey, last,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, sugar workers were told that they were not going to be paid their weekly salaries. GuySuCo had stated that the problem had stemmed from the company encountering cash flow problems.This newspaper was told that a shipment of sugar that was supposed to leave Guyana last week has not yet left and that the transport ship has still not arrived in the country.GuySuCo’s statement advised that the company is temporarily experiencing cash flow difficulties, due to the delay in one of its sugar vessels.An official from GuySuCo had said that the temporary cash flow shortfall has affected the corporation’s ability to meet its wages bill for the current week, “and it is working feverishly to find alternative arrangements; so as to ensure workers are paid for this week at the earliest opportunity.”The company was adamant that the situation was unavoidable due to external factors.GuySuCo also took the opportunity to state that the situation is a reminder of the financial difficulties of the company that has well been ventilated; as it continues to embark on the implementation of its turnaround plan.Mere days ago another strike crippled the sugar industry, as almost 3,000 workers from the Rose Hall estate withdrew their labour.That strike was in reaction to the company’s withdrawal of a day’s pay earned by the workers for not producing sugar to meet the week’s Weekly Production Incentive (WPI) target of 1,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys,350 tonnes. The money was subsequently paid to the workers.

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