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–  Young manager Anije Lambert shows the wayBy Suraj NarineWhen one thinks of outstanding,Cheap Jerseys From China, over-achieving and therefore inspirational young Guyanese women,Anije Lambert during an interview with Kaieteur Newsthere will be great debate on how many or few, but in this article we will be focusing on one such young woman. A young lady who is passionate, focused,Jerseys NFL Cheap, and yet chooses not to be in the limelight,Soccer World Cup Jerseys, although her myriad achievements warrant same.Anije (pronounced ‘Ani-jhay’) Lambert is a Social Researcher at heart, with her main focus being on the areas of Human Resource Management and Research Methodologies.She has a plethora of experience in the areas of Data Collection, Data Analysis and Data Management and has worked in managerial positions and consulted with a range of International Research Companies.As a consultant, she was given the opportunity to work alongside and coordinate research projects for clients such as IPSOS, the seventh largest market research company on the global scale; Coca-Cola and other well known product companies.Bear in mind that Anije is only 22 years old.She was born in Georgetown on August 27, 1993 to Businessman, Richmond Lambert and homemaker,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Marcel Blair.Anije attended the Georgetown International Learning Centre and later, the Annandale Secondary School, where she graduated with flying colours. At the age of 15, she was admitted into the University of Guyana where she obtained a Degree in Sociology and graduated with distinction.At age 19, Lambert began working on various research projects. Starting out as normal Field Staff and Quality Assurance personnel, Lambert was elevated to the role of a consultant for International Research Companies in less than four months. Throughout this period, Lambert worked extensively in data collection procedures and data management, filling the roles of Project Lead, Project Manager and Research Country Manager.Despite her age, she found herself managing various teams ranging between 5-30 individuals both locally and internationally, and was also responsible for training and development of data procedures.Anije at her office building located on Charlotte Street.“Other people saw this, and greatly admired my work ethic, I really have no idea how word got around so fast, and overall, I just had a love for going the extra mile and providing excellent service” Lambert said in a recent interview.“My family has always been supportive of my dreams, even though they probably did not fully grasp my reason for choosing to study Sociology, or my reason for opting to pursue research consulting and entrepreneurship. So when I made the decision to branch out on my own, even though in an unusual field, they gave me space to build and understand my personal business learning curve. Maybe it’s because my family on both sides are entrepreneurs and risk-takers at heart. It also helped that majority, if not all, of my ventures are independently funded. I love my family and I am extremely happy that I can learn from my parents, siblings,Air Max 97 Undefeated Green, my aunts and my uncles.PDC WAS BORNIn 2014,Cheap Jerseys, Lambert founded the Project Development Consultancy (PDC), a research, development and data management company which provides services to larger international research organizations; academic institutions; small- to medium-sized companies; as well as governmental and public sector institutions who are interested in research assistance across the Latin American (LATAM) Nations.PDC now has many clients ranging from the international to the local scene; from both private and public sectors.Some of PDC clients include SCL Elections (London); Scotiabank (Guyana); Grace Kennedy Remittance Services (Guyana) and the Ministry of Legal Affairs (Guyana).A SOLUTION TO A PROBLEMLambert stated that the PDC started out as a solution to the problem of high unemployment rates faced by many Guyanese University students.“In 2014, the youth unemployment rate in Guyana was estimated at over 40%, and the rate of migration of qualified personnel was estimated at 89%. Whilst consulting with various international research organizations, we realized that companies needed competent manpower to accomplish tasks in real time and in a cost effective way”.Due to this, Lambert noted that the PDC discerned the advantage of bringing on young,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, dedicated and zealous students and carefully placing them in a mentorship programme under the supervision and guidance of field experts.This paved the way for students to not only be provided with financial means to further their studies, but also gain necessary work experience and on-the-job training for their development.“It was euphoria for our clients – innovation meeting expertise! Tasks for clients were completed in real time with a fresh and new approach”.Lambert continued that clients began noticing the benefits of these methodologies and later began to encourage others to get on board.Through this mechanism, she said, more students were able to obtain project-based jobs; jobs which financially empowered them and consequently their families. Students were able to independently generate income, to assist with their tuition and other related academic costs.PDC has since been able to manage projects and has placed over 150 students successfully on projects across the Caribbean.“A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR GUYANA REQUIRES THE INVOLVEMENT OF THE YOUTHS”“Currently we have embarked upon a qualitative independent research venture based on youth entrepreneurship in Georgetown, Guyana, and we are excited about farming out our findings.”Lambert stated that the PDC is considering collaborating with the various entrepreneurial-focused agencies, thus creating an effective platform where the voices of their participants are actively considered and their ideas and solutions brought to life.“The PDC Research Team in Partnership with Ms. Natalya Thomas, co-founder of Duo Collection and the Coordinator of Miss World Guyana, is working on a huge, innovative and fun knowledge-sharing event and workshop under the theme of Youth Entrepreneurship.In addition we are working on a project called TVA (The Visionaries Arise) which was built primarily on the research findings and the suggestions given by the young entrepreneurs who participated in the study”.Lambert asserts that what sets the PDC apart from other organisations is their social calling to actively empower youths by creating avenues for youth employment and capacity development.“A brighter future for Guyana requires the involvement of the youths of Guyana”ADVICE FOR THE YOUTHS“Plans don’t always go your way. There are going to be hiccups, but remember, everything you have experienced, you can take and turn it into something that will propel your development into greatness.”Lambert believes that to be good is easy, however in order to be great, one must first accept that their thirst for knowledge must never cease”.

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