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發表於 2016-12-21 14:14:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guitarist Mike Reynolds of the Christian metalcore band FOR TODAY says that "homosexuality is a sin" and is urging fellow Christians to "separate" themselves from any "civil religion that advocates sin."In a series of tweets earlier today,Cheap Jerseys USA, Reynolds commented on the news of Pastor Louie Giglio's withdrawal from President Barack Obama's second-term inauguration ceremony after reports emerged of an anti-gay sermon the Atlanta pastor delivered in the 1990s.Reacting to the report that LGBT advocates responded to Giglio's selection by launching a petition calling for Obama to replace him with a pastor who has a history of supporting LGBT equality,Cheap Chicago White sox Jersey, Reynolds wrote: "There IS a state church being formed, there is going to be an exclusive acceptance of preachers who advocate the LGBT. "Don't be deceived, homosexuality is a sin. This sin with all other sins is what Jesus died for. He conquered so that we would be free."He continued: "[There is] no such thing as a gay Christian, the same as there is no such thing as a Christian who loves his sin. "Don't be fooled by the formation of a state church as though the government is being converted,Minnesota Wild Jersey China, they only use the name of Jesus for their progressive liberal agenda."If you are a Christian, then separate yourself from this civil religion that advocates sin. Be true to God."After the guitarist's comments drew ire from some of his followers,Los Angeles Clippers Jersey China, the band issued the following collective statement via its Facebook page: "FOR TODAY has always and will always be a band that is about loving people. We have no hatred towards any people, regardless of what they believe or how they live. We may not agree on everything, but Jesus loves you and died for you. And so would we."FOR TODAY's latest studio album,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, "Immortal",Cheap Los Angeles Clippers Jersey, sold nearly 15,Minnesota Vikings Jersey China,000 copies in its first week of release in the United Sattes to debut at position No. 15 on The Billboard 200 chart.  The CD was issued to major critical acclaim,Chicago Bears Jersey China, with Revolver magazine declaring it to be "rife with crafty guitar hooks and scream-along choruses." Alternative Press commented: "FOR TODAY have dialed back the bombast just enough to make their pounding combination of furious punk and vicious metal sound more immediate and live sounding." "Immortal" was produced by Will Putney (LAMB OF GOD, SUICIDE SILENCE) and features special guest appearances from Sonny Sandoval of P.O.D.,Cheap Chicago Bears Jersey, Jake Luhrs of AUGUST BURNS RED and Tommy Green of SLEEPING GIANT.

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