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發表於 2017-12-21 21:49:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Detectives are probing the death of 19-year-old Chavez Kellman who died under mysterious circumstances around 23:55 hours on Sunday night.Chavez KendallInitial investigations pointed to a motorcycle accident but investigators are now looking at the theory that some foul play might be involved.Kellman’s body along with the motorcycle he was riding was pulled from a trench at Middle Road, La Penitence.But since the motorcycle did not bear any major damages, speculation is rife that Kellman may not have been the victim of an accident.Kaieteur News understands that Kellman, a mason by profession, had left his 158 Curtis Street, Albouystown home to hang out with some of his friends.According to reports, the group of friends was drinking beers after which Kellman borrowed a motorcycle to do an errand.When he did not return when he was scheduled to, his friends became worried.Then news spread that Kellman’s body and the motorcycle were lying in a gutter and he was eventually pulled out and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead.His mother, Nicola Hunt, and his father, Samuel Kellman, are not too convinced that their son died by accident.According to Hunt, her son’s wound and the evidence at the scene suggest otherwise.Although they had seen his body shortly after he was pulled from the gutter, they were still visiting the hospital mortuary several times to try to convince themselves as to how Kellman met his death.According to Hunt, apart from a hole in Kellman’s forehead, his body bore no significant bruises that would indicate he was involved in an accident.“They pull he from a li’l gutter. Is sheer mud and li’l water, nothing to damage he face like how it damage,” Hunt told this newspaper.The woman said that she was at home on Sunday night when a young man came calling at her gate shortly before midnight.“He start hollering and saying he don’t know how to tell me. But my mind just run pon me son.Then de boy tell me dat Chavez just dead and I start crying all de time,” the woman recalled.The dead man’s father told this newspaper that he was at home at his middle road residence when his telephone rang, but since it was late in the night, he refused to answer it.However, the ringing of the telephone continued and Kellman was forced to answer.“The person asked me if I ain’t hear what happened and then she said ‘Chavy’ dead,” Kellman informed.He said that he too visited the scene just oblique to the St. Pius Primary School and just like everyone else he is not convinced that his son died by accident.“When I watch the scene, nothing ain’t suggest it was an accident. De bike would’a break up,” he reasoned.Police said that they have detained the owner of the motorcycle that Kendall was riding, who had reportedly claimed that he did not loan his bike to the now dead man.However,Cheap Jerseys From China, investigators are awaiting the results of a post mortem examination to be absolutely certain about how Chavez Kendall met his death.

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