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On Monday, August 8, SLIPKNOT and STONE SOUR frontman Corey Taylor will begin recording an audio version of his book "Seven Deadly Sins - Settling The Argument Between Born Bad And Damaged Good". Taylor states via Twitter, "[I am] so stoked. [I] can't wait to read a chapter AS Christopher Walken!!"When asked in a recent interview with The Nervous Breakdown if he was going to work on an audiobook release of "Seven Deadly Sins", Taylor replied, "Now I am. The publisher wasn't originally interested. They were like, 'Well, with these types of books they don't do well.' And then the fans really came out of the woodwork. I was getting a question at every signing: 'When's the audiobook coming out?' 'When are you putting an audiobook out?', etc. Finally [the publisher said], 'Whatever you want whatever you want, please do it. Go ahead. You record it and we'll get it out there. We'll make sure it happens' I said, 'See, if you'd have just listened to me in the first place,cheap jerseys, [laughs] we'd have had this out already.""Seven Deadly Sins - Settling The Argument Between Born Bad And Damaged Good" landed at position No. 26 on the New York Times "Hardcover Nonfiction" best sellers list."I've been threatening to write a book for a long time, but since every Tom, Dick and Harry writes an autobiography, I didn't want to just do that.  My approach to writing is the same as my approach to music: I don't want to do what everybody else is doing," said Taylor about "Seven Deadly Sins".  "That Metal Show"'s Jim Florentine recently conducted an in-depth interview with Corey about the book, his life, and his music, and the conversation was aired in three parts so fans don't miss a word of it. Check it out below.Released in the U.S. on July 12 via De Capo Press, "Seven Deadly Sins - Settling The Argument Between Born Bad And Damaged Good" sees Taylor speaking directly to his fans and sharing his worldview about life as a sinner. While the 256-page hardcover book is Taylor's personal story, it's also described as "a larger discussion of what it means to be seen as either a 'good' person or a 'bad' one."Taylor told ExploreMusic in July 2010 that the book was about "how my interpretation of the seven deadly sins is basically they're not sins at all. They are human characteristics that we all share . . . And it's me making that point of you can live with these urges, you can live with these hungers and still be a good person."Renowned for his flamboyant and disturbing stage presence, Corey has lived it all. Starting in the early '90s, Corey threw himself into the hard-drinking, hard-loving, live-for-the-moment life of a small-town Iowa hero  Corey "Fucking" Taylor! As his career went stratospheric, and he found himself rich, wanted and on the road, his behavior got more and more extreme. Everything you can think of, Corey's done it... girls, drugs, excess of every kind. "Seven Deadly Sins" is Corey's story,cheap nfl jerseys, told through the prism of the seven deadly sins. His years of excess eventually made him sit down and start to think about what it was to "sin" and whether "sinning" could  or should  be recast as a good rather than bad thing. Yes,wholesale nfl jerseys, Corey's hurt people, and done bad things, but if sin is what makes the man,wholesale jerseys, then can it ever be wrong? This isn't a straightforward memoir, this is Corey's no-holds-barred story told through his own unique philosophy,cheap jerseys from china, honed through years of the craziest and most hedonistic excess in rock.Part 2:  Part 3:

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