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發表於 2016-12-21 20:07:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Finnish doom metallers SWALLOW THE SUN have set "Emerald Forest And The Blackbird" as the title of their fifth full-length album, due on February 1, 2012 via Spinefarm Records. The CD was recorded during September and October 2011 by Mikko Karmila (NIGHTWISH, AMORPHIS,Graham Knott Jersey, CHILDREN OF BODOM) at Drumforest Studios in Viitasaari and Sonic Pump 2 in Helsinki, and by Hannu Honkonen at Noisework Studios in Helsinki. The effort was mixed by Hiili Hiilesmaa (HIM, APOCALYPTICA,Curtis Joseph Jersey, AMORPHIS, MOONSPELL) and will be mastered by Mika Jussila (NIGHTWISH, AMORPHIS,Auston Matthews Jersey, SENTENCED) at Finnvox Studios. The artwork is once again being created by Rami Mursula."Emerald Forest And The Blackbird" track listing:01. Emerald Forest And The Blackbird02. This Cut Is The Deepest03. Hate,Tiger Williams Jersey, Lead The Way04. Cathedral Walls (feat. Anette Olzon)05. Hearts Wide Shut06. Silent Towers07. Labyrinth Of London (Horror Pt. IV)08. Of Death And Corruption09. April 14th10. Night Will Forgive UsAnette Olzon of NIGHTWISH makes a guest appearance on the song "Cathedral Walls". Her recognizable voice gives the song the depth and the angelic character it demands. In addition, Aleah Stanbridge of TREES OF ETERNITY  whose ethereal voice is familiar from SWALLOW THE SUN's previous works  is featured on two tracks."When I got to listen to the rough demo of 'Cathedral Walls', I fell in love with the song immediately and I was so honoured to be asked to sing on this song," said Anette. "The melody and lyrics are truly beautiful."Commented SWALLOW THE SUN's main songwriter Juha Raivio: "I found myself listening to an old Finnish lullaby called 'Sininen Uni' over and over again, and suddenly images started pouring into my mind of a dad reading a tale to his dying child,Marc-Andre Fleury Jersey, trying to explain where the child is going that night,Chris Chelios Jersey, the tale of Emerald Forest and the Blackbird. Finally this image lead me into a long journey through this night and got me trapped in the limbo between the dusk and the dawn. The place where you face your demons and angels, meet the souls of the ones you loved and lost. "Will we walk the night forever, or let the night forgive us and let us say a last goodbye? These are songs from the limbo, notes of sorrow, hate, love,Mats Sundin Jersey, darkness and light. The tale of Emerald Forest and the Blackbird."SWALLOW THE SUN's latest album, "New Moon",Terry Sawchuk Jersey, landed at position No. 148 on the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart, which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists (defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200)."New Moon" entered the official chart in the band's home country at position No. 10.

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